More top lists in Sweden
in the industry Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
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in the industry Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
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Industry top lists in Sweden
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The most profitable companies in Sweden
in the industry Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Company | Net profit (×1000) SEK | |||||
Linde Stadshus AB | 91 943 |
Göteborgs Brandservice AB |
4 951 |
Brandsäkra Norden AB |
4 834 |
4 | Sotningsväsendet i Gävle AB |
3 493 |
5 | El-brandskyddskontroll i Boden AB | 2 063 |
6 | Brandförebyggarna Gotland AB |
1 754 |
7 | Sjögrens Lås & Brandskydd AB |
857 |
8 | T&M Hansson IT AB | 554 |
9 | Vitum Varberg AB | 367 |
10 | HT Tehrekäs & D Narb AB | 343 |
11 | Brandkonsulterna i Mälardalen AB | 316 |
12 | MG´s skorstensbesiktningar AB | 280 |
13 | Mibos AB |
208 |
14 | Loberia Integration & Omsorg AB | 176 |
15 | Blekinge Skyddsmontage AB | 147 |
16 | Marcus Edstam Respons & Utveckling AB | 112 |
17 | Göteborgs Brand & Säkerhet AB | 104 |
18 | Västsvenska Brandskydd i Högboda AB | 74 |
19 | Ombergs Natur - och kommunsupport AB | 58 |
20 | Hamlon AB | 45 |
21 | Global Reporting Sweden AB |
43 |
22 | ITCS Trading & Consultancy AB | 38 |
23 | Sohila AB | 28 |
24 | Lrl Brandsäkerhet i Sverige AB |
- 22 |
25 | Fågel & Smådjurskliniken i Lomma AB |
- 31 |
26 | Alta Costa AB | - 232 |
Comment to the top list
- The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
- Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures