Yes, you’ve come to the right place. We have just been changed and improved the website a little.
On the new Largestcompanies can you keep track on the Nordic business sector by clicking your way around among our unique toplists. You can easily find a variety of top lists based on country, region, industry and choose e.g. those who have most employees, highest turnover or greatest profit.
There are several search options on Largestcompanies. You can search on company name, VAT number, postal code, city, county, industry, turnover, export, result, number of employees, etc. All variables can be combined and you have an accurate tool to get your unique selection of companies.
Access Plus gives you a powerful tool for analysis, marketing and sales. You will get access to detailed market information from 500,000 companies in the Nordic region. You can easily analyse your industry and your competitors, as well as export the market information to for example, Excel.
Please contact us if you have any feedback or questions!
Tomas Ahlberg, Marketing Manager,
phone +46 8 566 229 46 or e-mail