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The largest employers in total in Nordic

in the industry Information service activities

Company Number of employees
Capgemini Sverige AB 2 640 ChangeValue
Spotify AB 1 706 ChangeValue
Eniro Group AB 915 ChangeValue
4 IBM, International Business Machines Ab Oy 701 ChangeValue
5 Rockfoto Bildbyrå AB 687
6 Google Sweden AB 448 ChangeValue
7 TT Nyhetsbyrån AB 383 ChangeValue
8 Acast AB (publ) 368 ChangeValue
9 itm8 A/S 350
10 Visma DataLøn & ProLøn A/S 350
11 JN Data A/S 350
12 Jobindex A/S 350
13 Storytel Sweden AB 244 ChangeValue
14 Avanade Sweden AB 184 ChangeValue
15 Zimpler AB 163 ChangeValue
16 Keystone Education Group AB 157 ChangeValue
17 Aditro Public Oy 156
18 Forsikringens Datacenter A/S 150
19 Infomedia A/S 150
20 Carlsberg Integrated Information Technology A/S 150
21 Nordiske Medier A/S 150
22 Sentia Denmark A/S 150
23 Altinget ApS 150
24 A/S 150
25 Denmark A/S 150
26 Ritzaus Bureau A/S 150
27 Generaxion A/S 150
28 M-Brain Insight Oy 149 ChangeValue
29 Prisjakt Sverige AB 137 ChangeValue
30 Aditro BPO Oy 136
31 Suomen Tietotoimisto - Finska Notisbyrån Ab, Oy 134 ChangeValue
32 JP Infonet AB 117 ChangeValue
33 QD Sverige AB 113 ChangeValue
34 Readly International AB (publ) 109 ChangeValue
35 Rapid Images AB 102 ChangeValue
36 Liaison Technologies Oy 101
37 Hero Gaming Group AB 95 ChangeValue
38 K.G.M. Datadistribution AB 95
39 Google Norway AS 91
40 Aditro Shared Services Oy 91
41 MATCHi AB 82 ChangeValue
42 Buypass AS 81 ChangeValue
43 Gartner Finland Oy 80 ChangeValue
44 Pinnacle Sweden AB 78 ChangeValue
45 Worldfavor AB 77 ChangeValue
46 Loopia AB 77 ChangeValue
47 Pleo Technologies A/S 75
48 Vitec Aloc A/S 75
49 Intermail Danmark A/S 75
50 Cortex Consult A/S 75
51 itm8 | Progressive A/S 75
52 BoligPortal A/S 75
53 E-Nettet A/S 75
55 Byggefakta A/S 75
56 Prescriba A/S 75
57 e-Boks Nordic A/S 75
58 Testhuset A/S 75
59 Vivino ApS 75
60 Ageras A/S 75
61 Rebel Penguin ApS 75
62 Mentor Danmark ApS 75
63 Iron Mountain Sweden AB 74 ChangeValue
64 Mediaosakeyhtiö Frantic 74
65 Avinode AB 73 ChangeValue
66 eBuilder AB 71 ChangeValue
67 Readly AB 68 ChangeValue
68 Porasto Oy 65 ChangeValue
69 Aditro Enterprise Oy 64
70 Nordlo Elevate AB 61 ChangeValue
71 Verto Analytics Oy 57
72 Intersolia Sweden AB 55 ChangeValue
73 Descartes Systems (Sweden) AB 55
74 BTJ Sverige AB 53 ChangeValue
75 Cleura AB 50 ChangeValue
76 Finnchat Oy 50
77 LG Electronics Finland Lab Oy 47 ChangeValue
78 Booli Search Technologies AB 46 ChangeValue
79 Shopify Sweden AB 45 ChangeValue
80 Minna Technologies AB 45 ChangeValue
81 Offerta Group AB 44 ChangeValue
82 Dirigo, Oy 44 ChangeValue
83 Mild Media AB 43 ChangeValue
84 Id06 AB 40 ChangeValue
85 Nordcloud Oy 40 ChangeValue
86 Depona AB 40 ChangeValue
87 PFC Technology AB 38 ChangeValue
88 Iron Mountain Norge AS 38 ChangeValue
89 ShowHeroes Nordics AB 38 ChangeValue
90 Hemmersbach Sweden AB 36 ChangeValue
91 Prio Infocenter AB 36 ChangeValue
92 Omnipunktse AB 35
93 Hr-Skyen ApS 35
94 ApS 35
95 Pricerunner Denmark ApS 35
96 Hello Retail ApS 35
97 Coinify ApS 35
98 River Online ApS 35
99 Lasso X A/S 35
100 Bedre Nætter ApS 35

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures