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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Information service activities

Company Number of employees
itm8 A/S 350
Visma DataLøn & ProLøn A/S 350
JN Data A/S 350
4 Jobindex A/S 350
5 Forsikringens Datacenter A/S 150
6 Infomedia A/S 150
7 Carlsberg Integrated Information Technology A/S 150
8 Nordiske Medier A/S 150
9 Sentia Denmark A/S 150
10 Altinget ApS 150
11 A/S 150
12 Denmark A/S 150
13 Ritzaus Bureau A/S 150
14 Generaxion A/S 150
15 Pleo Technologies A/S 75
16 Vitec Aloc A/S 75
17 Intermail Danmark A/S 75
18 Cortex Consult A/S 75
19 Compugroup Medical Denmark A/S 75
20 itm8 | Progressive A/S 75
21 BoligPortal A/S 75
22 Dun & Bradstreet Denmark A/S 75
23 E-Nettet A/S 75
25 Byggefakta A/S 75
26 Prescriba A/S 75
27 e-Boks Nordic A/S 75
28 Testhuset A/S 75
29 Vivino ApS 75
30 Ageras A/S 75
31 Rebel Penguin ApS 75
32 Mentor Danmark ApS 75
33 Bedre Nætter ApS 35
34 Ncc Group A/S 35
35 Express A/S 35
36 Opoint A/S 35
37 Refinitiv Denmark A/S 35
38 Secunia ApS 35
39 Amadeus Denmark A/S 35
40 Punktum dk A/S 35
41 Normalex ApS 35
42 Infare Solutions A/S 35
43 Geomatic A/S 35
44 J2 Global Denmark A/S 35
45 MCB A/S 35
46 Foodora Denmark ApS 35
47 Greenwave Reality ApS 35
48 Better Students ApS 35
49 Apurebase ApS 35
50 Trendsales ApS 35
51 Tjek A/S 35
52 Moodagent A/S 35
53 Fonden Station Next 35
54 ApS 35
55 Twentythree ApS 35
56 Sport Publish Danmark ApS 35
57 Registrering Danmark ApS 35
58 Dataproces ApS 35
59 Mybanker A/S 35
60 Tabellae A/S 35
61 Onlineplus ApS 35
62 Autobutler ApS 35
63 Link Mobility A/S 35
64 Keepfocus A/S 35
65 Graduateland ApS 35
66 S360 A/S 35
67 Tattoodo ApS 35
68 Turistforeningen for Toppen af Danmark F.M.B.A 35
69 Conversio ApS 35
70 Hr-Skyen ApS 35
71 ApS 35
72 Pricerunner Denmark ApS 35
73 Hello Retail ApS 35
74 Coinify ApS 35
75 River Online ApS 35
76 Lasso X A/S 35
77 Dødsfald og Begravelse ApS 15
78 Mynewsdesk ApS 15
79 Impact Media ApS 15
80 Zentura A/S 15
81 Miinto A/S 15
82 Become A/S 15
83 Emply ApS 15
84 MarketingPlatform ApS 15
85 Seek4cars A/S 15
86 Infoba ApS 15
87 Tipsbladet ApS 15
88 MS Branding A/S 15
89 Holmenhenriksen ApS 15
90 Cloud Factory A/S 15
91 The Compound ApS 15
92 Billetto ApS 15
93 Benify A/S 15
94 We Digitize ApS 15
95 Skyhost ApS 15
96 Skoleit ApS 15
98 N D Invest A/S 15
99 JTR 2013 ApS 15
100 IHS Global ApS 15

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures