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in the industry Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
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Industry top lists in Denmark
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The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
CRH Concrete A/S |
1 938 493 |
Ncc Industry A/S |
1 705 983 |
1 606 843 |
4 | Unicon A/S |
1 330 090 |
5 | Saint-Gobain Denmark A/S |
1 284 297 |
6 | K.G. Hansen & Sønner A/S |
1 199 812 |
7 | ROCKWOOL Danmark A/S |
1 119 170 |
8 | Colas Danmark A/S |
1 049 189 |
9 | Fiskars Denmark A/S |
899 000 |
10 | Spæncom A/S |
757 658 |
11 | Heidelberg Materials Precast Denmark A/S |
737 867 |
12 | YIT Danmark A/S |
705 338 |
13 | Boligbeton, A/S |
641 457 |
14 | Fiberline Composites A/S |
552 526 |
15 | Nordic Waterproofing A/S |
543 751 |
16 | Knauf A/S |
524 500 |
17 | Munck Asfalt a/s |
523 703 |
18 | Heidelberg Materials Beton Danmark A/S |
523 657 |
19 | Skamol A/S |
521 553 |
20 | Pankas A/S |
518 264 |
21 | Troldtekt A/S |
477 840 |
22 | Egernsund Wienerberger A/S |
443 553 |
23 | Centrum Pæle A/S |
396 398 |
24 | Give Elementfabrik A/S |
388 231 | ||
25 | Faxe Kalk A/S |
345 578 |
26 | ØSB A/S |
339 193 |
27 | Confac A/S |
301 049 |
28 | Ambercon A/S |
234 775 |
29 | Heidelberg Materials Cement Danmark A/S | 90 416 |
30 | Midtjysk Mørtelfabrik A.M.B.A. | 17 532 |