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Industry top lists in Denmark
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Search for companies in our Nordic database. Here you will find information on about 500,000 companies.
The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Information service activities
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
JN Data A/S |
2 255 844 |
itm8 A/S |
1 030 017 |
Carlsberg Integrated Information Technology A/S |
952 186 |
4 | IF IT Services A/S |
883 907 |
5 | Denmark A/S |
600 101 |
6 | Visma DataLøn & ProLøn A/S |
404 412 |
7 | Miinto Holding A/S | 385 566 | ||||
8 | Sentia Denmark A/S |
358 664 |
9 | Jobindex A/S |
327 337 |
10 | Pleo Technologies A/S |
261 545 |
11 | E-Nettet A/S |
237 154 |
12 | e-Boks Nordic A/S |
181 332 |
13 | Cloud Factory A/S |
179 528 | |||
14 | Pricerunner Denmark ApS | 161 926 |
15 | Ritzaus Bureau A/S | 141 398 |
16 | Infomedia A/S |
140 160 |
17 | Trendsales ApS |
97 544 |
18 | Punktum dk A/S |
74 600 |
19 | Intermail Danmark A/S |
71 956 | ||
20 | Secunia ApS |
47 400 |
21 | J2 Global Denmark A/S |
40 271 |
36 366 |
23 | Suzumuchi ApS |
18 206 |
24 | Foreningen Erhvervsmæglerbasen F.M.B.A. |
12 783 |
25 | Take Offer Rejser ApS |
12 454 |
26 | IHS Global ApS | 9 849 |
27 | Fonden Station Next |
8 986 |
28 | August & Hemmingsen ApS | 7 306 |
29 | Moodagent A/S |
52 |