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The largest employers in total in Finland

in the industry Manufacture of paper and paper products

Company Number of employees
Stora Enso Oyj 26 206 ChangeValue
UPM-Kymmene Oyj 19 489 ChangeValue
Ahlstrom-Munksjö Oyj 5 109 ChangeValue
4 Eltete Oy 771 ChangeValue
5 Kotkamills Oy 560 ChangeValue
6 Sappi Finland I Oy 533 ChangeValue
7 Walki Oy 384 ChangeValue
8 Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd 334 ChangeValue
9 Essity Finland Ab, Oy 313 ChangeValue
10 Powerflute Oy 223
11 DS Smith Packaging Finland Oy 216
12 Stora Enso Ingerois Oy 207
13 Jujo Thermal Oy 200
14 BillerudKorsnäs Finland Oy 170 ChangeValue
15 Pankakoski Mill Oy 160 ChangeValue
16 Corenso United Oy Ltd 133 ChangeValue
17 A & R Carton Oy 120
18 Suomen Kerta Oy 104 ChangeValue
19 Fredman Operations Oy 68
20 Delipap Oy 65
21 Pyrollpack Oy 57 ChangeValue
22 Pa-Hu Oy 51 ChangeValue
23 Ekovilla Oy 50 ChangeValue
24 Tetra Pak Production Oy 45 ChangeValue
25 Hypap Oy 44
26 Linmer Lohja Oy 36 ChangeValue
27 Bong Suomi Oy 36 ChangeValue
28 DS Smith Packaging Pakkausjaloste Oy 35 ChangeValue
29 Pyrollsack Oy 34 ChangeValue
30 Papinniemi Oy 32 ChangeValue
31 Orapac Ab, Oy 23
32 Paperall Oy 22 ChangeValue
33 Fiblon Ab, Oy 22 ChangeValue
34 Smurfit Kappa Pirkan Pakkaus Oy 22
35 Remusa Oy 22
36 SharpCell Oy 21
37 Peltolan Pussi Oy 18 ChangeValue
38 Paroprint Oy 15 ChangeValue
39 Termex-Eriste Oy 14
40 Pakkaus Piippo Oy 13 ChangeValue
41 Hakakansio Oy 12 ChangeValue
42 Kansiopalvelu Oy 12
43 Euran Erikoispaperit Oy 11
44 Papermark Oy 10 ChangeValue
45 InterMail Suomi Oy 10 ChangeValue
46 Suomen Paperilanka Oy 10
47 Paperplast Oy 10
48 Hurtti-Paino Oy 9
49 Paptic Oy 8 ChangeValue
50 Walki Group Oy 8 ChangeValue
51 Cabassi Oy 7
52 Capertum Oy 6 ChangeValue
53 Fredman Group Oy 6 ChangeValue
54 Kassatieto Oy 6
55 Scandinavian J.M.A. Ab, Oy 6
56 Järvenpään Kopiopalvelu Oy 6
57 Porin Kotelotuote Oy 5
58 Boxia Oy 5
59 Ypap Oy 5
60 Celerpak Oy 5
61 Woodland Power Oy 5
62 Ähtärin Paperimarkkinat Oy 4 ChangeValue
63 Canform Oy 4
64 Green Can Oy 4 ChangeValue
65 Imatran Tuotantohake Oy 4
66 Erkyte Ab, Oy 4
67 ArrowLabel Oy 3
68 Segezha Packaging Oy 3
69 EPP-Pack Oy 3
70 Hartmann-Varkaus Oy 3 ChangeValue
71 Sellusta Finland Oy 2
72 Tampereen Kiinteistökolmio Oy 2
73 Tojan Ltd Oy 2
74 Kasematic Oy 2
75 Paperinjalostaja Joxpap Oy 2
76 Biopap Oy 1
77 Tuloste Oy 1
78 Foresp Oy 1
79 Projektiapu Hovilainen Oy 1
80 Powerflute Group Holdings Oy 1 ChangeValue
81 All-Pack Oy 1

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures