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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Manufacture of paper and paper products

Company Number of employees
JP/Politikens Hus A/S 1 000
Elopak Denmark A/S 350
C.C. Jensen A/S 350
4 Brødrene Hartmann A/S 350
5 Smurfit Kappa Danmark A/S 350
6 DS Smith Packaging Denmark A/S 350
7 Abena Produktion A/S 350
8 BEWI Denmark A/S 150
9 Advanced Industries Packaging A/S 150
10 CCL Label A/S 150
11 Schur Pack Denmark a/s 150
12 Vpk Packaging A/S 150
13 Schur Labels A/S 150
14 All4Labels Denmark SB A/S 150
15 Signode Denmark ApS 75
16 All Creative A/S 75
17 Sonoco Skjern ApS 75
18 Eurowrap A/S 75
19 MCC Denmark A/S 75
20 FlexoPrint A/S 75
21 Mm Eson Pac Denmark A/S 75
22 August Faller A/S 75
24 From Grafisk A/S 35
25 tesa A/S 35
26 Jarnes A/S 35
27 Rul-Let A/S 35
28 Greif Denmark ApS 35
29 Scanket A/S 35
30 Grafiket a/s 35
31 Dansk Mink Papir A/S 35
32 3L Consumer Products A/S 35
33 Labelco A/S 35
34 Tryk Team Svendborg A/S 35
35 Ecco Print A/S 35
36 Etiflex A/S 35
37 Beck Pack Systems A/S 35
38 Scanbag A/S 35
39 Interket A/S 35
40 Gantech A/S 35
42 Grafisk ID A/S 35
43 Danbag Paper Solutions A/S 35
44 Flensted Mobiler ApS 35
45 Boxen Emballage A/S 35
46 Livingly ApS 15
47 Farusa Emballage A/S 15
48 Dansk Klæberulle Industri A/S 15
49 Empaka Kartonnage A/S 15
50 Lito Tryk ApS 15
51 OnPrint A/S 15
52 Frisenette ApS 15
53 Odense Seglmærkefabrik A/S 15
54 Color Label A/S 15
55 Litotryk København A/S 15
56 Bong Danmark A/S 15
57 Grefta-Tryk A/S 15
58 Elka Labels A/S 15
59 Kjærgaard Paprør A/S 15
60 Fred B. Balsløw A/S 15
61 Paper Bottle Company A/S 15
62 Ferco-Danblok A/S 15
63 Dragon A/S 15
64 Prinfo Trekroner A/S 15
65 Wet Wipe A/S 15
67 Juna Pack A/S 15
68 M&J Airlaid Products A/S 15
69 Deslers Grafisk Hus ApS 15
71 Greens Paprørfabrik ApS 7
72 Wear&Care ApS 7
73 Uniemballage Produktion ApS 7
74 Trykkeriet Friheden ApS 7
75 Addbrand Denmark A/S 7
76 J. & R. Frydenberg A/S 7
77 Ecograf Gruppen A/S 7
78 GRC Graphic House A/S 7
79 OAKS ApS 7
80 PT Constructions ApS 7
81 Stanton Ejendomme ApS 7
82 TickoTryk A/S 7

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures