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Largestcompanies in the media

The largest companies in all counties
SVD Näringsliv says "Come along around the country!" listing the largest companies in the 21 counties of Sweden.

Sales are increasing and the number of employees are decreasing writes about the county top list of Skåne, where Sony Mobile Communication is the main reason for the increasing turnover among the 20 largest companies.
Photograph: Åsa Sjöström

The companies with the highest turnover in Hälsingland writes about the county top list of Gävleborg. Billerud Korsnäs is at the top with its SEK 11,4 billion turnover.
Photo: TT
What are the largest companies in the Nordic countries?
Simrishamnsbladet points out that they are not Norwegian: "The three most profitable companies in the Nordic countries in 2013 are not Norwegian, as one might think considering their oil, which they are so keen to emphasize."
What are the largest companies in Skåne?
"Have you any idea of what the largest companies in Skåne are? Nordic Netproducts AB has. In and the magazine Largest Companies 2014 the company is listing the largest companies in Skåne in various industries." Simrishamnsbladet writes about the top list of Skåne.
What are the largest companies in Sweden?
Simrishamnsbladet notes that Sweden's most profitable companies are situated in Stockholm and the county of Stockholm.
Several well-known companies at the top writes about the 20 largest companies in Gotland and notes that there are several well-known companies on the list.

Danish giants firmly in the top 40 writes that Denmark is not home for many giants in the top 40. "But the Danish companies do well in the competition ..."
Photograph: Kasper Palsnov