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Address databases

Up-to-date address and call lists provide less error margins and saves your time and resources in customer processing.

Our database contains information on approximately three million companies in the Nordic countries. It is updated daily with the business and market information such as financial data, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses to decision-makers. Since the start in 1968, we have focused on having accurate and up-to-date information in the database. In order to be able to maintain the high quality, we have a large and experienced content department making thousands of changes every day in the database.

3,000,000 Nordic company addresses
2,700,000 phone numbers for companies
Contact information for individuals

Addresses and telephone numbers for companies

We have updated company addresses, phone numbers and names of decision-makers in the Nordic business sector. Whether it concerns direct marketing or prospect lists for your sales force, we ensure that you reach the right people.

Our selection expertise will help you to identify a relevant target group to process by post or by telephone. The selection can be made based on, for example, region, industry, title and turnover. Read more!

Addresses and telephone numbers for individuals

We also offer addresses and telephone numbers for individuals. Whether it concerns direct marketing or telemarketing lists for your sales force, we ensure that you reach the right customer segments.

Our selection expertise will help you to identify a relevant target group of individuals to process by post or by telephone.

Direct Marketing

We can help you with your postal campaigns. You can target your direct marketing or surveys to companies or individuals. Cooperating with a printing house, we can take care of the entire printing and mailing process from start to finish. This includes printing, digital printing, post-processing, enveloping, postage optimization and distribution.