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The largest employers in total in Nordic

in the industry Telecommunications

Company Number of employees
Telia Company AB 18 963 ChangeValue
Eltel AB 5 024 ChangeValue
Elisa Oyj 4 614 ChangeValue
4 Tele2 AB 4 120 ChangeValue
5 Sinch AB (publ) 3 643 ChangeValue
6 Telenor Sverige AB 1 690 ChangeValue
7 Transtema Group AB 1 070 ChangeValue
8 Kemp & Lauritzen A/S 1 000
9 Telenor A/S 1 000
10 Iver Sverige AB 999 ChangeValue
11 Eltel Networks AS 823
12 Viria Oyj 818 ChangeValue
13 Svenska Rymd AB 677 ChangeValue
14 Teracom AB 474 ChangeValue
15 Globalconnect AS 457 ChangeValue
16 TelaVox AB 453 ChangeValue
17 Fibia P/S 350
18 Dktv A/S 350
19 Norlys Digital A/S 350
20 HI3G Denmark ApS 350
21 GlobalConnect A/S 350
22 TDC Telco ApS 350
23 Norlys Fibernet A/S 350
24 Kongsberg Satellite Services AS 289 ChangeValue
25 VNext AB Ventura Next 257 ChangeValue
26 Vakka-Suomen Puhelin Oy 232 ChangeValue
27 Seamless Distribution Systems AB 223 ChangeValue
28 Invisio AB 216 ChangeValue
29 Lounea Oy 209 ChangeValue
30 MW Field Service AB 191 ChangeValue
31 Easypark AB 188 ChangeValue
32 Suomen Turvallisuusverkko Oy 184 ChangeValue
33 Jotron AS 181 ChangeValue
34 Viasales AB 145 ChangeValue
35 Kainuun Puhelinosuuskunta (KPO) 143 ChangeValue
36 Sykes Finland Oy 121 ChangeValue
37 MPY Osuuskunta 117 ChangeValue
38 Icomera AB 112 ChangeValue
39 Space Norway Satcom AS 102
40 Bredband2 Allmänna IT AB 95 ChangeValue
41 Verizon Sweden AB 78 ChangeValue
42 Hiper A/S 75
43 AT&T Global Network Services Danmark ApS 75
44 Jansson Kommunikation A/S 75
45 Lytzen IT A/S 75
46 Ipnordic A/S 75
47 Norlys Tv og Internet A/S. 75
48 Dstny A/S 75
49 Motorola Solutions Norway AS 71 ChangeValue
50 Moment Park Oy 70 ChangeValue
51 Blue Lake Communications Oy 65 ChangeValue
52 Pohjois-Hämeen Puhelin Oy 62 ChangeValue
53 Lynes Technologies Sweden AB 57 ChangeValue
54 Unifon AS 57
55 Ria Financial Services Sweden AB 56 ChangeValue
56 Jakobstadsnejdens Telefon Ab 55 ChangeValue
57 Finda Oy 54 ChangeValue
58 Telia Field Operations AB 53
59 Tampereen Puhelin Oy 49 ChangeValue
60 IN4MO Oy 45 ChangeValue
61 Ovzon AB (publ) 42 ChangeValue
62 Celab Communications AB 42 ChangeValue
63 Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy 41 ChangeValue
64 Puhelinosuuskunta LPO 36 ChangeValue
65 Netnod AB 35 ChangeValue
66 Ascom Danmark A/S 35
67 Nord Energi Fibernet A/S 35
68 Acies ApS 35
69 Orange Business Denmark A/S 35
70 T-Systems Nordic A/S 35
71 Waoo A/S 35
72 EWII Fibernet A/S 35
73 GI-NetWorks A/S 35
74 KM Telecom Danmark A/S 35
75 Powernet ApS 35
76 Energi Fyn Bredbånd A/S 35
77 Uni-Tel A/S 35
78 Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S 35
79 Bolignet-Aarhus F.m.b.a 35
80 Altibox Danmark A/S 35
81 Firstcom Europe A/S 35
82 Andels-Net ApS 35
83 Fiberby ApS 35
84 Link Mobility A/S 35
85 Tt-Netværket P/S 35
86 Enreach A/S 35
87 Flexfone A/S 35
88 GTT Communications Denmark ApS 35 ChangeValue
89 Bornfiber Service Provider ApS 35
91 Telia Carrier Finland Ab 34 ChangeValue
92 Sonetel AB (publ) 33 ChangeValue
93 Suomen Erillisverkot Oy 33 ChangeValue
94 Ikaalisten-Parkanon Puhelin Oy 33 ChangeValue
95 Nc-Spectrum AS 33 ChangeValue
96 Netmore Group AB 32 ChangeValue
97 Spectrumone AB (publ) 32 ChangeValue
98 Safeture AB 32 ChangeValue
99 Griffel AB 31 ChangeValue
100 Quicknet AB 30 ChangeValue

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures