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The largest employers in total in Nordic

in the industry Services to buildings and landscape activities

Company Number of employees
Samhall AB 22 586 ChangeValue
Coor Service Management Holding AB 10 659 ChangeValue
ISS Facility Services AB 5 616 ChangeValue
4 ISS Palvelut Oy 5 234 ChangeValue
5 Hemfrid i Sverige AB 1 776 ChangeValue
6 4service Eir Renhold AS 1 502 ChangeValue
7 Palmia Oy 1 408 ChangeValue
8 Arkea Oy 1 118 ChangeValue
9 Miab AB 1 074 ChangeValue
10 N-Clean Oy 1 052 ChangeValue
11 Elis Danmark A/S 1 000
12 Serwiz Plus A/S 1 000
13 Forenede Service A/S 1 000
14 ISS Facility Services A/S 1 000
15 Compass Group Danmark A/S 1 000
16 Vantaan Tilapalvelut Vantti Oy 921 ChangeValue
17 Homemaid AB (publ) 908 ChangeValue
18 Rengöringsutveckling Näslund & Co AB 800 ChangeValue
19 Adient Sweden AB 704 ChangeValue
20 Coor ILV AB 702 ChangeValue
21 Coor Skaraborgs lokalvård AB 673 ChangeValue
22 ISS Service Management AS 569 ChangeValue
23 Anticimex AB 549 ChangeValue
24 Asteri Facility Solutions AB 524 ChangeValue
25 Tempest Security AB 506 ChangeValue
26 Allegio Omsorg AB 454 ChangeValue
27 Ocab Sydost AB 417 ChangeValue
28 NearYou Service AB 383 ChangeValue
29 Recover ApS 350
30 Partnerservice Hver Gang A/S 350
31 Partneren A/S 350
32 Danren Bogdol A/S 350
33 Servicefirmaet Renell A/S 350
34 De 5 Stjerner A/S 350
35 Danjord A/S 350
36 BELFOR Denmark A/S 350
37 TekniClean A/S 350
38 Kongsvang Cleaning & Facility A/S 350
39 Forstas A/S 350
40 BH Hotelservice ApS 350
41 Jydsk Miljø Rengøring A/S 350
42 Polygon A/S 350
43 Toma Facility Danmark A/S 350
44 Serwiz A/S 350
45 Oknygaard A/S 350
46 Sataservice Oy 344 ChangeValue
47 VRJ Group Oy 326
48 Rimab Facility Service AB 319 ChangeValue
49 Nomor AB 266 ChangeValue
50 HH-kiinteistöpalvelut Oy 261 ChangeValue
51 XLNT Group AB 252 ChangeValue
52 Rent Renholdstjenester AS 247
53 Svenska Retursystem AB 233 ChangeValue
54 Total Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy 227 ChangeValue
55 Kundpartner Syd AB 220 ChangeValue
56 Städgladen AB 220 ChangeValue
57 Ada Service Partner AB 218
58 Veterankraft AB 216 ChangeValue
59 Mellansvenska Städ AB 216 ChangeValue
60 Serwent AB 215 ChangeValue
61 Teknostäd AB 211 ChangeValue
62 Freska Sweden AB 209 ChangeValue
63 Miljöpalatset AB 198 ChangeValue
64 PMI Clean AB 198 ChangeValue
65 Belles Golv & Städ AB 196 ChangeValue
66 N-Clean MIAB AB 193 ChangeValue
67 55Plus AB 190 ChangeValue
68 Winclean Oy 189
69 Exiso AB 187 ChangeValue
70 HS Service och Support AB 184 ChangeValue
71 TerraWise Group Oy 182
72 Siivousliike Uuspalvelu Oy 180 ChangeValue
73 Östgöta Elitstäd AB 174 ChangeValue
74 Dannebacken Service AB 173 ChangeValue
75 Lännen Palveluyhtiöt Oy 173 ChangeValue
76 Siskon Siivous Oy 170 ChangeValue
77 Delete Service AB 164 ChangeValue
78 Kosmo Miljötjänst AB 160 ChangeValue
79 Kiinteistöhuolto Jurvelin Oy 160 ChangeValue
80 Håkonsen og Sukke Landskapsentreprenør AS 153 ChangeValue
81 ICG Sverige AB 152 ChangeValue
82 Kolbeck Vikar ApS 150
83 All Remove Danmark A/S 150
84 Hotelservice ApS 150
85 Officeguru A/S 150
86 Altiren A/S 150
87 ApS 150
88 Cas Cas Gruppen A/S 150
89 Rengøringsselskabet Drift ApS 150
90 Art Service A/S 150
91 BELFOR Slagelse A/S 150
92 Profilservice A/S 150
93 Bpa Pro Team ApS 150
94 Grøn Vækst A/S 150
95 Dbr Rengøring A/S 150
96 Rengøringsservice Danmark A/S 150
97 Ven-To ApS 150
98 Biofos A/S 150
99 Blæksprutten ApS 150
100 Khrs ApS 150

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures