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The largest employers in total in Nordic

in the industry Postal and courier activities

Company Number of employees
PostNord AB 24 604 ChangeValue
Posti Group Oyj 20 632 ChangeValue
Posten Bring AS 9 537 ChangeValue
4 CityMail Sweden AB 1 114 ChangeValue
5 FK Distribution A/S 1 000
6 Helsingin Jakelu-Expert Oy 1 000 ChangeValue
7 Tryksagsomdelingen Fyn A/S 1 000
8 Samdistributionsselskabet Midt-Vest A/S 1 000
9 United Parcel Service Sweden AB 688 ChangeValue
10 Tribedo Oy 500 ChangeValue
11 Tampereen Ykkösjakelut Oy 484
12 Jakelusuora Oy 452
13 Fonecta Oy 388
14 Porin Jakelukeskus Oy 383 ChangeValue
15 Jakelujuniorit Oy 360 ChangeValue
16 Foodora AB 356 ChangeValue
17 Just ApS 350
18 FedEx Express Danmark ApS 350
19 BHS Logistics A/S 350
20 DHL Express (Denmark) A/S 350
21 Freja Transport & Logistics A/S 350
22 Dansk Avis Omdeling A/S 350
23 UA/FK Distribution A/S 350
24 H.A. Grafisk Reklame A/S 350
25 Lahden Jakelut Oy 287 ChangeValue
26 Eltel Networks Pohjoinen Oy 261 ChangeValue
27 Åland Post Ab 221 ChangeValue
28 Assistor Oy Ab 170 ChangeValue
29 Oulun Jakelutoimisto Oy 152 ChangeValue
30 BS Distribution ApS 150
31 dao Distribution Øst A/S 150
32 Savon Jakelu Oy 104 ChangeValue
33 Oulu-Suorajakelu Oy 103 ChangeValue
34 Varova Oy 97 ChangeValue
35 LBC Borås AB 76 ChangeValue
36 Distribution 39 ApS 75
37 GLS Express A/S 75
38 Maersk Agency Denmark A/S 75
39 STS - Distribution ApS 75
40 DANX A/S 75
41 Link Logistics A/S 75
42 Pm-Distribution ApS 75
43 Autobude A/S 75
44 Distribution 38 ApS 75
46 Länsi-Uudenmaan Mainosjakelu Oy 70 ChangeValue
47 Porvoon Mediajakelu Oy 67 ChangeValue
48 Hit & Dit Transport i Jönköping AB 57 ChangeValue
49 Salo-Suorajakelu Oy 56 ChangeValue
50 Kuljetuspalvelu Fågel Oy 53
51 Piccolo Logistics Oy 50 ChangeValue
52 Hk Expressbud i Borås AB 46
53 SLP Jakelu Oy 46 ChangeValue
54 Posti Kusti Oy 45 ChangeValue
55 Taksi Helsinki Oy 45 ChangeValue
56 MoveByBike Europe AB (publ) 42 ChangeValue
57 Jyväskylän Aluetaksi Oy 40
58 G.P.Express AS 38
59 World Courier Sweden AB 36 ChangeValue
61 Bendix Transport Danmark A/S 35
62 Tvis Vognmands Forretning A/S 35
63 JH Packman ApS 35
64 Børge Skafte Transport & Spedition A/S 35
65 Nordjysk Transport Service A/S 35
66 Contino A/S 35
67 Distribution & Service 2006 ApS 35
68 Hillerød Distribution ApS 35
69 Nordtrans NSJ ApS 35
70 Rødekro Kurér A/S 35
71 Nordtrans 4000 ApS 35
72 Danske Fragtmænd Express A/S 35
73 Københavns Cykelbude ApS 35
74 Transport.Net ApS 35
75 Ackro ApS 35
76 Kdo Logistics ApS 35
77 Xpressen ApS 35
78 Øzbek Logistics ApS 35
79 Billund Express A/S 35
80 Bladkompagniet Syd ApS 35
81 Kildeager ApS 35
82 By-Expressen ApS 35
83 Msg ApS 35
84 Drakstaden Invest AB 33 ChangeValue
85 Lounais - Suomen Taxidata Oy 33 ChangeValue
86 Teamsters Transport i Sverige AB 32 ChangeValue
87 Förlängda Armen AB 30 ChangeValue
88 Hämeen Kuljetus Oy 30 ChangeValue
89 Lähettipalvelu T. Mölsä Oy 30 ChangeValue
90 Federal Express Corporation Finland Oy 28
91 Jyväskylän Tavaralähetit Oy 27 ChangeValue
92 Agility Logistics Ab, Oy 27
93 Suomen Kylmäkuljetus Oy 25 ChangeValue
94 Budab AB 24 ChangeValue
95 MVG Bud AB 24 ChangeValue
96 Bårmans Transport AB 23 ChangeValue
97 Salam Livs i Linköping AB 22
98 Billes DIOS AB 22 ChangeValue
99 Sundell & Lundmark Transport AB 21 ChangeValue
100 DHL Nordic AB 20

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures