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The most profitable companies in Nordic

in the industry Manufacture of beverages

Company Net profit (×1000) EUR
Absolut Company AB, The 185 138 ChangeValue
Ringnes AS 82 330 ChangeValue
Carlsberg Danmark A/S 75 243 ChangeValue
4 Hartwall Ab, Oy 60 362 ChangeValue
5 Altia Oyj 43 500 ChangeValue
6 Olvi Oyj 42 336 ChangeValue
7 Carlsberg Sverige AB 35 163 ChangeValue
8 Spendrups Bryggeri AB 33 760 ChangeValue
9 Sinebrychoff Ab, Oy 20 357 ChangeValue
10 Viking Malt Oy 18 605 ChangeValue
11 Sophus Fuglsang. Export-Maltfabrik A/S 15 177 ChangeValue
12 Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Norge AS 11 528 ChangeValue
13 Kopparbergs Bryggeri AB 10 606 ChangeValue
14 13:e Protein Import AB 8 011 ChangeValue
15 Aqua d'or Mineral Water A/S 7 089 ChangeValue
16 Åbro Bryggeri, AB 6 446 ChangeValue
17 Cocio Chokolademælk A/S 5 884 ChangeValue
18 Voss Production AS 5 839 ChangeValue
19 Pernod Ricard Finland Oy 4 989 ChangeValue
20 P Ltz Aass, AS 4 855 ChangeValue
21 Sinebrychoff Supply Company Oy 4 342 ChangeValue
22 Viking Malt A/S 4 243 ChangeValue
23 Hansa Borg AS 4 188 ChangeValue
24 Laihian Mallas Oy 3 975 ChangeValue
25 Taster Wine A/S 3 383 ChangeValue
26 CO-RO Food A/S 3 341 ChangeValue
27 Aass Bryggeri AS 3 024 ChangeValue
28 N.H. Lerum AS 2 810 ChangeValue
29 Lerum AS 2 530 ChangeValue
30 Det Danske Spiritus Kompagni A/S 2 174 ChangeValue
31 Kødbyen Brygpub ApS 2 094 ChangeValue
32 Carlsberg Supply Company Sverige AB 1 984 ChangeValue
33 K G Puntervold AS 1 767 ChangeValue
34 Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas Oy 1 472 ChangeValue
35 ODSS AS 1 435 ChangeValue
36 Grans Bryggeri AS 1 367 ChangeValue
37 Egersund Mineralvandfabrik AS 1 279 ChangeValue
38 Nøgne Ø Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri AS 1 172 ChangeValue
39 Hancock Bryggerierne A/S 1 132 ChangeValue
40 Dansk Mjød A/S 1 120 ChangeValue
41 Telemark Kildevann AS 1 092 ChangeValue
42 Hernö Gin AB 918 ChangeValue
43 Oppigårds Bryggeri AB 913 ChangeValue
44 Ciboney AB 907 ChangeValue
45 Petpack Drikker AS 896 ChangeValue
46 E.C. Dahls Bryggeri AS 895 ChangeValue
47 Oskar Sylte Mineralvannsfabrikk AS 777 ChangeValue
48 Laguna Produkter AS 724 ChangeValue
49 Eckes-Granini Sverige AB Brämhults Juice 697 ChangeValue
50 Finn Spring Oy 665 ChangeValue
51 Rye Rye Oy 651 ChangeValue
52 Brooklyn Stockholm OpCo AB 427 ChangeValue
53 Neder Kjærsholm Holding ApS 385 ChangeValue
54 Nokian Panimo Oy 381 ChangeValue
55 Naturfrisk A/S 376 ChangeValue
56 Arilds Vingård AB 370 ChangeValue
57 Herslev Bryghus ApS 315 ChangeValue
58 Guttsta Källa AB 312 ChangeValue
59 Porvoon Panimo Oy 291 ChangeValue
60 Astra Wines Oy 286 ChangeValue
61 Amager Bryghus ApS 261 ChangeValue
62 Salikatt Bryggeri AS 238 ChangeValue
63 Svaneke Bryghus A/S 220 ChangeValue
64 Kils Bryggeri AB 219 ChangeValue
65 Åive AB 213 ChangeValue
66 FANØ BRYGHUS ApS 209 ChangeValue
67 Smögen Whisky AB 207 ChangeValue
68 Aarhus Bryghus A/S 185 ChangeValue
69 Thisted Bryghus & Thisted Mineralvandsfabrik, Aktieselskabet 155 ChangeValue
70 Vhas AB 140 ChangeValue
71 Mat & Malt Bryggeriet Bredaryd AB 135 ChangeValue
72 Timm Vladimirs Køkken ApS 134 ChangeValue
73 Safari Næringsmidler AS 110 ChangeValue
74 Gammelstilla Whisky AB 101 ChangeValue
75 Backafallsbyn AB 78 ChangeValue
76 Alupart AB 76 ChangeValue
77 Björketorp Consulting AB 75 ChangeValue
78 B.C. Process & Life Science Consulting AB 74 ChangeValue
79 Pemak AB 73 ChangeValue
80 Pramia Oy 72 ChangeValue
81 Shotluckan Drift och Produkt AB 71 ChangeValue
82 Affina AB 66
83 Angser & Lindblad Event AB 60 ChangeValue
84 Klarspråk, AB 54 ChangeValue
85 Isklar AS 52 ChangeValue
86 Idlewild AB 48 ChangeValue
87 Lammin Sahti Oy 47 ChangeValue
88 Tevsjö Mill & Distillery AB 46 ChangeValue
89 Halsnæs Bryghus A/S 46 ChangeValue
90 Rett Hjem Øst AS 44 ChangeValue
91 Bryggeri Skovlyst ApS 44 ChangeValue
92 Molo Brew AS 43 ChangeValue
93 Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Sverige AB 42 ChangeValue
94 Rickard Aldén AB 41 ChangeValue
95 Train Station Brewery AB 41 ChangeValue
96 Mora Bryggeri AB 39 ChangeValue
97 We Have a Plan AB 38 ChangeValue
98 Remmarlöv Gårdsbryggeri AB 37 ChangeValue
99 Pohjoinen Pisara Oy 37 ChangeValue
100 Klokk & Co AS 35 ChangeValue

Comment to the top list

  • The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures