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in the industry Remediation activities and other waste management services
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in the industry Remediation activities and other waste management services
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Industry top lists in Finland
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The largest companies by turnover in Finland
in the industry Remediation activities and other waste management services
Company | Turnover (×1000) EUR | |||||
Fortum Environmental Construction Oy |
63 043 |
MJY Yhtiöt Oy |
9 300 |
Dammega Oy |
5 997 |
4 | Suomen Kuitukierrätys Oy |
5 954 |
5 | Asbrak Oy |
3 866 |
6 | JT-Asbesti Oy |
2 670 |
7 | AsBestMen Oy |
2 558 |
8 | Suomen Asbestitekniikka Oy |
2 462 |
9 | JT-Asbesti Jyväskylä Oy |
2 413 |
10 | Asbesta Oy |
1 809 |
11 | Arreset Oy |
1 607 |
12 | Ylö-Asbest Oy |
1 409 |
13 | Porin Asbesti-, Siivous- ja Rakennuspalvelu Oy |
1 304 |
14 | Liedon Asbestipalvelut Oy |
1 004 |
15 | Fin-Asbest Oy |
920 |
16 | Pihavisio Oy |
866 |
17 | FANN Ympäristötekniikka Oy |
655 |
18 | Vesi-Eko Oy Water-Eco Ltd |
601 |
19 | Joen Purkupalvelu Oy | 569 |
20 | BOGGA Oy | 126 |
21 | Prime Soil Oy |
64 |