More top lists in Finland
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Industry top lists in Finland
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The most profitable companies in Finland
in the industry Programming and broadcasting activities
Company | Net profit (×1000) EUR | |||||
Canal Digital Finland Oy |
2 048 |
Bauer Media Oy |
633 |
3N Radiot Oy | 478 |
4 | NRJ Finland Oy Ab |
308 |
5 | Via Vittoria Oy |
127 |
6 | Tarinatalli Oy |
125 |
7 | ITV Studios Finland Oy |
70 |
8 | Jaajo Oy |
63 |
9 | Quick Tietopalvelut Oy |
36 |
10 | Helsingin Productum Oy |
35 |
11 | Kristillinen Media Oy |
19 |
12 | Radio SUN Oy |
14 |
13 | Radiomies Oy |
8 | |||
14 | Mediahaloo Oy |
6 |
15 | Mediatakojat Oy |
4 |
16 | Alueradiot Sastamala Oy |
1 |
17 | Finest Radio Oy |
1 |
18 | Nordic Palvelu Oy |
- 1 |
19 | Tuotantoyhtiö Liikkuva Kuva Oy |
- 3 |
20 | Radionomaiset Oy | - 15 |
21 | Najaros Ab, Oy |
- 23 |
22 | Koivunen Production Engineering Oy |
- 26 |
23 | Radio Vaasa Ab, Oy |
- 39 |
24 | Basso Media Ltd., Oy |
- 601 |
25 | Radio Satellite Finland Oy |
- 854 |
26 | Yleisradio Oy |
- 2 939 |
27 | Discovery Networks Finland Oy |
- 4 810 |
28 | MTV Oy |
- 8 092 |
Comment to the top list
- The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
- Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures