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Traffic Safety Research and Engineering, TSRE AB


All the companies on the website are presented with the ranking they have in total and in their industry. This ranking is presented at a national as well as a Nordic level, and it is based on a variety of financial ratios such as turnover, number of employees and net profit. Subsidiaries are included in this ranking.

Geographical ranking

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 85,449
- Number of employees 116,582

Industry ranking

Industry: 72 Scientific research and development

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 512
- Number of employees 654
- Return on assets (ROA) 229
- Return on assets (ROA) 244
- Total assets 1,088
- Total assets 1,354
- Profitability 395
- Profitability 441
- Turnover 865
- Turnover 1,033
- Return on equity (ROE) 197
- Return on equity (ROE) 241
- Net profit 588
- Net profit 752
- Solvency 740
- Solvency 860

Industry: 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 3,179
- Number of employees 4,248
- Return on assets (ROA) 1,139
- Return on assets (ROA) 1,287
- Total assets 4,612
- Total assets 6,235
- Profitability 1,462
- Profitability 1,625
- Turnover 4,506
- Turnover 5,151
- Return on equity (ROE) 1,128
- Return on equity (ROE) 1,624
- Net profit 3,463
- Net profit 4,809
- Solvency 2,398
- Solvency 2,927