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Tärna Fjällbuss AB

Closing information (x1000 EUR)

Closing information 2023/06 2022/06 2021/06
Turnover 109 Less Arrow 100
Financial expenses 0 Equal arrow 0
Earnings before taxes 14 Less Arrow -3
EBITDA 19 Less Arrow 4
Total assets 132 More Arrow 208
Current assets 126 More Arrow 196
Current liabilities 54 More Arrow 98
Equity capital 77 More Arrow 110
- share capital 9 More Arrow 10
Employees (average) 2 Equal arrow 2 Equal arrow 2

Financial ratios

Fiscal year 2023/06 2022/06 2021/06
Solvency 58.3% Less Arrow 52.9%
Turnover per employee 54 Less Arrow 50
Profit as a percentage of turnover 12.8% Less Arrow -3.0%
Return on assets (ROA) 10.6% Less Arrow -1.4%
Current ratio 233.3% Less Arrow 200%
Return on equity (ROE) 18.2% Less Arrow -2.7%
Change turnover 14 Less Arrow -26
Change turnover % 27% Less Arrow 15% Less Arrow -21%
Chg. No. of employees 0 Equal arrow 0 Less Arrow -1
Chg. No. of employees % 0% Equal arrow 0% Less Arrow -33%

Total value of public sale

Fiscal year 2023/06 2022/06 2021/06
Total value of public sale 0 Equal arrow 0 Equal arrow 0

Closing figures are converted to the currency above at the exchange rate of the closing date. Source for the exchange rates: Sveriges Riksbank

The closing information is gathered directly from the companies or from Creditsafe.