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Souranmaa Oy

Closing information (x1000 SEK)

Closing information 2016/02 2015/02 2014/02
Turnover 32,176 Less Arrow 24,496
Financial expenses 9 More Arrow 122 Less Arrow 89
Earnings before taxes 37 More Arrow 1,633 Less Arrow 71
Total assets 1,764 More Arrow 9,055 Less Arrow 7,886
Current assets 0 4,548
Current liabilities 271 More Arrow 5,236 More Arrow 5,412
Equity capital 961 More Arrow 3,172 Less Arrow 1,940
- share capital 75 Equal arrow 75 Less Arrow 71
Employees (average) 17 Equal arrow 17

Financial ratios

Fiscal year 2016/02 2015/02 2014/02
Solvency 54.5% Less Arrow 35.0% Less Arrow 24.6%
Turnover per employee 1,893 Less Arrow 1,441
Profit as a percentage of turnover 5.1% Less Arrow 0.3%
Return on assets (ROA) 2.6% More Arrow 19.4% Less Arrow 2.0%
Current ratio 0% 84.0%
Return on equity (ROE) 3.9% More Arrow 51.5% Less Arrow 3.7%
Change turnover 6,353 Less Arrow -1,237
Change turnover % 25% Less Arrow -5%
Chg. No. of employees 0 Equal arrow 0
Chg. No. of employees % 0% Equal arrow 0%

Total value of public sale

Fiscal year 2016/02 2015/02 2014/02
Total value of public sale 0 Equal arrow 0 Equal arrow 0

Closing figures are converted to the currency above at the exchange rate of the closing date. Source for the exchange rates: Sveriges Riksbank

The closing information is gathered directly from the companies or from Creditsafe.