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Kemin Palveluosuuskunta Akseliina

Closing information (x1000 DKK)

Closing information 2017/12 2016/12 2015/12
Earnings before taxes 30 Less Arrow -22 More Arrow 30
Total assets 521 Less Arrow 483 More Arrow 515
Current assets 238 Less Arrow 149 More Arrow 187
Current liabilities 469 Less Arrow 461 More Arrow 470
Equity capital 60 Less Arrow 30 More Arrow 45
- share capital 15 Equal arrow 15 Equal arrow 15
Employees (average) 10

Financial ratios

Fiscal year 2017/12 2016/12 2015/12
Solvency 11.5% Less Arrow 6.2% More Arrow 8.7%
Turnover per employee
Profit as a percentage of turnover
Return on assets (ROA)
Current ratio 50.7% Less Arrow 32.3% More Arrow 39.8%
Return on equity (ROE) 50.0% Less Arrow -73.3% More Arrow 66.7%
Change turnover
Change turnover %
Chg. No. of employees
Chg. No. of employees %

Total value of public sale

Fiscal year 2017/12 2016/12 2015/12
Total value of public sale 0 Equal arrow 0 Equal arrow 0

Closing figures are converted to the currency above at the exchange rate of the closing date. Source for the exchange rates: Sveriges Riksbank

The closing information is gathered directly from the companies or from Creditsafe.