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Esperi Care Oy

Closing information (x1000 SEK)

Closing information 2016/12 2015/12 2014/12
Turnover 581,027 Less Arrow 425,453 Less Arrow 393,295
Financial expenses 49,384 More Arrow 58,985 Less Arrow 53,972
Earnings before taxes -14,991 Less Arrow -19,220 More Arrow 185,257
Total assets 1,585,044 Less Arrow 1,289,332 Less Arrow 1,263,259
Current assets 56,368 Less Arrow 41,564 Less Arrow 12,085
Current liabilities 922,211 Less Arrow 744,411 Less Arrow 678,750
Equity capital 250,509 Less Arrow 192,228 More Arrow 227,040
- share capital 53,986 Less Arrow 51,549 More Arrow 53,696
Employees (average) 892

Financial ratios

Fiscal year 2016/12 2015/12 2014/12
Solvency 15.8% Less Arrow 14.9% More Arrow 18.0%
Turnover per employee 477
Profit as a percentage of turnover -2.6% Less Arrow -4.5% More Arrow 47.1%
Return on assets (ROA) 2.2% More Arrow 3.1% More Arrow 18.9%
Current ratio 6.1% Less Arrow 5.6% Less Arrow 1.8%
Return on equity (ROE) -6.0% Less Arrow -10.0% More Arrow 81.6%
Change turnover 135,458 Less Arrow 47,886 Less Arrow -24,103
Change turnover % 30% Less Arrow 13% Less Arrow -6%
Chg. No. of employees
Chg. No. of employees %

Total value of public sale

Fiscal year 2016/12 2015/12 2014/12
Total value of public sale 0 Equal arrow 0 Equal arrow 0

Closing figures are converted to the currency above at the exchange rate of the closing date. Source for the exchange rates: Sveriges Riksbank

The closing information is gathered directly from the companies or from Creditsafe.