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E. Pusa OY


Business ID: 0165043-5
Company: E. Pusa OY
Address: Ahvonen Harjukatu 38 B 18
FI-15110 Lahti
Visiting address: Ahvonen Harjukatu 38 B 18
FI-15110 Lahti
County: Southern Finland
Municipality: Lahti
Telephone: +358 (0)15368699
Established: 1942
Listing: Not listed
Industry 1: B47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- 47710 Retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing in specialised stores | Retail sale of men's clothing in specialised stores | Retail sale of women's clothing in specialised stores | Retail sale of children's clothing in specialised stores | Retail sale of furs in specialised stores