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Largestcompanies – The Largest Companies in the Nordic Countries
The website for those who want to know what is going on in the Nordic business sector
About the website
Largestcompanies contains addresses, market information, financial data etc. from the 500,000 largest companies in the Nordic region. The database is updated daily and we put great emphasis on to refine the data, e.g. with names and e-mail addresses for key decision-makers.
All the companies on the website are presented with the ranking they have in total and in their industry. This ranking is presented at a national as well as a Nordic level, and it is based on a variety of financial ratios such as turnover, number of employees and net profit.
In the graphics on the companies’ presentation pages you can see how the company you have chosen relates to its industry over the past three years. You can select graphs and diagrams for turnover, net profit, number of employees, solvency, liquidity, profitability etc. This industry comparison is unique and gives you a clear and comprehensible picture of how the company stacks up against its “industry index”.
Unique top lists
You can easily find a variety of top lists based on country, region, industry and choose e.g. those who have most employees, highest turnover or greatest profit. Navigate your way around among our top lists and compose different geography and industry-specific top lists. The possibilities are virtually unlimited and suits all analysts, journalists or those who are just curious.
Find information
There are several search options on Largestcompanies. You can search on company name, VAT number, postal code, city, county, industry, turnover, export, result, number of employees, etc. All variables can be combined and you have an accurate tool to get your unique selection of companies.Export
Access Plus gives you a powerful tool for analysis, marketing and sales. You will get access to detailed market information from 500,000 companies in the Nordic region. You can easily analyse your industry and your competitors, as well as export the market information to for example, Excel.
Access Plus streamlines your daily work looking for new customers and suppliers. In addition, you get a flexible tool for business intelligence.
Examples of what you can do with the export feature- Provide your sales team with company lists (telemarketing lists) from your target group.
- Export information about your industry peers and see how your business compares to the competition.
You want to have relevant, complete and up-to-date market information? Go to our contact form and register your interest.