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The most profitable companies in Finland

in the industry Manufacture of basic metals

Company Net profit (×1000) EUR
Outokumpu Oyj 327 000 ChangeValue
Luvata Oy 284 700 ChangeValue
Ahtium Oyj 198 526 ChangeValue
4 Boliden Harjavalta Oy 72 902 ChangeValue
5 Rautaruukki Oyj 59 013 ChangeValue
6 Boliden Kokkola Oy 45 484 ChangeValue
7 Outokumpu Chrome Oy 44 027 ChangeValue
8 Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy 21 166 ChangeValue
9 SSAB Europe Oy 16 843 ChangeValue
10 Aurubis Finland Oy 8 508 ChangeValue
11 Tapojärvi Oy 7 930 ChangeValue
12 Luvata Pori Oy 5 815 ChangeValue
13 Afarak Group Oyj 5 760 ChangeValue
14 OSTP Holding Oy 2 486 ChangeValue
15 Johnson Metall Ab, Oy 2 117 ChangeValue
16 Normek Oy 2 111 ChangeValue
17 Ruukki Engineering Oy 1 976 ChangeValue
18 Fennosteel Oy 1 648 ChangeValue
19 Bilfinger Industrial Services Finland Oy 1 093 ChangeValue
20 LeinoCast Oy 824
21 Porin Teollisuusputki Oy 756 ChangeValue
22 Presteel Oy 640 ChangeValue
23 PCM Technology Oy 577 ChangeValue
24 Alteams Finland Oy 307
25 Teksor Oy 273
26 Ulefos Oy 251 ChangeValue
27 Prewel Oy 250 ChangeValue
28 Peiron Oy 219 ChangeValue
29 Nordhydraulic AB, Oy 205 ChangeValue
30 Sisä-Savon Pipe & Welding Service Oy 202 ChangeValue
31 Jalonom Oy 177 ChangeValue
32 MA-Tech Oy 167 ChangeValue
33 Karhuvalu Oy 128
34 Saranco Oy 113 ChangeValue
35 Servier Finland Oy 100 ChangeValue
36 Erikoisvalu Halmela Oy 69 ChangeValue
37 Turun Teräsasennus Oy 56 ChangeValue
38 Special Components Oy Lahti 54 ChangeValue
39 Novacast Oy 54 ChangeValue
40 Tuurin Peltikeskus Oy 52 ChangeValue
41 Iron Ore Oy 49 ChangeValue
42 Specialvalimo J. Pap Oy 43 ChangeValue
43 IS-Kone Oy 41 ChangeValue
44 Suomen Takkateollisuus Oy 37 ChangeValue
45 Merikarvian Lvi-Tuote Oy 36 ChangeValue
46 Oitin Valu Oy 36 ChangeValue
47 Alumetall Suomi OY 35 ChangeValue
48 Aku-Tec Oy 34 ChangeValue
49 Ovako Imatra Oy Ab 18 ChangeValue
50 Riihimäen Muottivalu Oy 14 ChangeValue
51 Prosetek Oy 9 ChangeValue
52 AluWorks Oy 9 ChangeValue
53 VM-Kotelot Oy 6 ChangeValue
54 Steel Wolf Oy 6 ChangeValue
55 Er-Te Oy 3 ChangeValue
56 Pevemat Oy 2 ChangeValue
57 Seulatek Oy 2 ChangeValue
58 Press Pipe Ab, Oy - 1 ChangeValue
59 Alteams Oy - 1 ChangeValue
60 Riihikangas Oy - 10 ChangeValue
61 Leino Group Oy - 15 ChangeValue
62 VP Eurobusiness Oy - 19 ChangeValue
63 Sellbon Oy - 19 ChangeValue
64 Metallivalimo Arnie Oy - 20 ChangeValue
65 Karhulan Valimo Oy - 91
66 Keskipakovalu Oy - 411 ChangeValue
67 Tibnor Oy - 758 ChangeValue
68 Inkron Oy - 812 ChangeValue
69 KVL-Pipe Oy - 1 266 ChangeValue
70 Cupori Oy - 2 155 ChangeValue
71 Componenta Oyj - 16 500 ChangeValue
72 Outokumpu Stainless Oy - 23 731 ChangeValue

Comment to the top list

  • The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures