More top lists in Norway
in the industry Manufacture of paper and paper products
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in the industry Manufacture of paper and paper products
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Industry top lists in Norway
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The most profitable companies in Norway
in the industry Manufacture of paper and paper products
Company | Net profit (×1000) NOK | |||||
Essity Norway AS |
173 437 |
Rygene-Smith & Thommesen AS |
137 580 |
Mm Follacell AS |
95 312 |
4 | Roar Paulsrud AS | 81 452 |
5 | Vajda-Papir Scandinavia AS | 66 983 |
6 | Ranheim Paper & Board AS |
66 970 |
7 | Smurfit Kappa Norge AS |
56 447 |
8 | Skanem AS |
43 132 |
9 | Skjeberg Investment AS | 40 522 |
10 | Norwegian Paper Holding AS | 20 254 |
11 | Møre Palleservice AS | 13 206 |
12 | Kongsberg Emballasje AS |
11 570 |
13 | Mcc Stavanger AS |
11 370 |
14 | Nordic Paper AS |
9 392 |
15 | Norsk Etikett AS |
7 847 |
16 | Norwegian Paper AS |
6 010 |
17 | Kartonage AS |
3 519 |
18 | Rikter Svendsen AS |
3 178 |
19 | Cbi Norge AS |
2 017 |
20 | Bregmos Norge AS | 249 |
21 | X Effekt AS |
216 |
22 | Novagroup International AS |
- 3 633 |
23 | Ettiketto Trondheim AS |
- 9 141 |
24 | Statkraft Tofte AS |
- 22 776 |
Comment to the top list
- The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
- Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures