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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery

Company Number of employees
Verdis A/S 350
Remondis A/S 350
Meldgaard Miljø A/S 350
4 Marius Pedersen A/S 350
5 Stena Recycling A/S 350
6 HCS A/S Transport & Spedition 350
7 City Container Danmark A/S 150
8 H.J. Hansen Recycling A/S 150
9 Odense Renovation A/S 150
10 Fortum Waste Solutions A/S 150
11 P Olesen og Sønner A/S 150
12 RGS Nordic A/S 150
13 Cas Cas Gruppen A/S 150
14 Lyngby-Taarbæk Forsyning A/S 75
15 Aage Vestergaard Larsen, ApS 75
16 Dyrehavsbakken, A/S 75
17 Henrik Tofteng A/S 75
18 HC Container A/S 75
19 Ragn-Sells Danmark A/S 75
20 Fugato A/S 75
21 FFV Energi & Miljø A/S 75
22 Hvidberg A/S 75
23 City Renovation A/S 75
24 Fredensborg Forsyning A/S 75
25 Silkeborg Genbrug og Affald A/S 75
26 Norrecco A/S 75
27 Provas-Haderslev Forsyningsservice A/S 75
28 Assens Service A/S 75
29 Re-Match Holding A/S 35
30 RC Plast A/S 35
31 ST PLAST a/s 35
32 Hanstholm Container Transport A/S 35
33 FFV Renovation A/S 35
34 Scanmetals A/S 35
35 Damifo Vojens A/S 35
36 Ahornvej 8 ApS 35
37 Runi A/S 35
38 Jatob ApS 35
39 Gemidan A/S 35
40 Plastix A/S 35
41 DK-Miljø A/S 35
42 Junkbusters A/S 35
43 Svendborg Kraftvarme P/S 35
44 Faxe Forsyning A/S 35
45 Bradals Produkthandel ApS 35
46 Meldgaard Recycling A/S 35
47 Viborg Renovation ApS 35
48 Solum A/S 35
49 Smedegaarden A/S 35
50 DIN Forsyning Affald A/S 35
52 Fredsø Vognmandsforretning ApS 15
53 Avista Oil Danmark A/S 15
54 Bildemontering Danmark A/S 15
55 Bornholms Produkthandel ApS 15
56 Bagsværd Jernhandel A/S 15
57 Hørsholm Container A/S 15
58 EKJ Renovation & Containerudlejning A/S 15
59 Jøker's Autoophug A/S 15
60 Fornæs ApS 15
61 Special Waste System A/S 15
62 Dansk Miljø Genbrug ApS 15
63 Rimeco Aktieselskab 15 ChangeValue
64 Genknus & Kabell A/S 15
65 Vesterbro Produkthandel ApS 15
66 Roerslevgaard Entreprenør ApS 15
67 Munks Produkt ApS 15
68 Miljølogistik A/S 15
69 B.I.Miljø ApS 15
70 Renofyn ApS 15
72 Thornvig Jensen A/S 15
73 Peter Sørig Renovation A/S 7
74 ABAS Miljøservice 7
75 Danfiber A/S 7
76 Espersen & Søn A/S, Åge 7
77 RV Rengøring ApS 7
78 Tg Renovation ApS 7
79 Autogenbrug Svendborg ApS 7
80 Grønhøj Vognmandsforretning ApS 7
81 Horsens Emballage ApS 7
82 U.L. Petersens Eftf. Preben Nielsen ApS 7
83 Bakkegaard Recycling A/S 7
84 Jørgen Rasmussen Gruppen A/S 7
85 Sandflow Trading ApS 7
86 Dansk Maskinopkøb og Nedbrydning ApS 7
87 Vestsjællands Jernhandel A/S 7
88 Ole Larsen. Vognmandsforretning. Ringsted. ApS 7
89 TG Skrot ApS 7
90 Odense Affaldssortering A/S 3

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures