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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Company Number of employees
Normal A/S 1 000
Jysk A/S 1 000
Circle K Danmark A/S 1 000
4 Atea A/S 1 000
5 Telenor A/S 1 000
6 Bygma A/S 1 000
7 Elgiganten A/S 1 000
8 DSB 1 000
9 Harald Nyborg A/S 1 000
10 365discount A/S 1 000
11 Ikea A/S 1 000
12 Salling Group A/S 1 000
13 Coop Danmark A/S 1 000
14 Bauhaus Danmark A/S 1 000
15 Lagkagehuset A/S 1 000
16 Aktieselskabet Th. Wessel & Vett. Magasin Du Nord 1 000
17 H & M Hennes & Mauritz A/S 1 000
18 Jem & Fix A/S 1 000
19 Sportmaster Danmark ApS 1 000
20 Neye A/S 350
21 Davidsens Tømmerhandel A/S 350
22 TCM Operations A/S 350
23 Ilva A/S 350
24 SIF Gruppen A/S 350
25 Humac A/S 350
26 Illums Bolighus A/S 350
27 PPG Coatings Danmark A/S 350
28 Norlys Digital A/S 350
29 Vorup Tømmerhandel og Byggecenter A/S 350
30 Johannes Fog A/S 350
31 Paw Sko ApS 350
32 Kalundborg Brugsforening 350
33 Plantorama A/S 350
34 Sahva A/S 350
35 T. Hansen Gruppen A/S 350
36 Kvickly Odder 350
37 Helsinge Brugsforening Amba 350
38 Hunkemöller Danmark A/S 350
39 CF Petersen & Søn A/S 350
40 Axel Kaufmann ApS 350
41 Ny-Form, Kolding A/S 350
42 Spejder Sport A/S 350
43 Kvickly Varde 350
44 Jaco Supermarkeder A/S 350
45 Obi Sport A/S 350
46 Synoptik A/S 350
47 HI3G Denmark ApS 350
48 L'Easy A/S 350
49 Sinnerup ApS 350
50 Løvbjerg Supermarked A/S 350
51 Gilleleje Brugsforening 350
52 DK Company Vejle A/S 350
53 Brugsforeningen For Middelfart og Omegn 350
54 L'oréal Danmark A/S 350
55 Tømmergaarden A/S 350
56 INDITEX Danmark A/S 350
57 Selfmade A/S 350
58 Brugsforeningen For Als og Sundeved 350
59 Deichmann-Sko ApS 350
60 Maxi Zoo Denmark A/S 350
61 Aarstiderne A/S 350
62 Bestseller Retail Denmark A/S 350
63 Intervare A/S 350
64 Samsøe & Samsøe Whole Sale ApS 350
65 I.M. Frellsen K/S 350
66 Power A/S 350
67 JJ Invest Fyn A/S 350
68 DSB Service & Retail A/S 350
69 Message A/S 350
70 Change Of Scandinavia Retail A/S 350
71 Summerbird A/S 350
72 Søstrene Grenes Import A/S 350
73 Zizzi Denmark ApS 350
74 Billund Lufthavn A/S 350
75 Sport 24 A/S 350
76 Scandlines Catering ApS 350
77 Dansk Avis Omdeling A/S 350
78 Bahne Sørensen A/S 350
79 DK Company Cph A/S 350
80 Gebr. Heinemann Retail ApS 350
81 Nielsen's A/S 350
82 Eventyrsport A/S 350
83 Live Nation Denmark ApS 350
84 Babysam A/S 350
85 Emmerys ApS 350
86 Synsam Group Denmark A/S 350
87 Kings And Queens ApS 350
88 A/S 350
89 Lakrids By Johan Bülow A/S 350
90 PWT Group A/S 350
91 TCB Retail ApS 350
92 Only Stores Denmark A/S 350
93 Det Gamle Apotek A/S 150
94 Unisport A/S 150
95 Ganni A/S 150
96 Sephora Danmark ApS 150
97 DLG Service A/S 150
98 Mads Veirup, 876 Brabrand ApS 150
99 HMFI22 ApS 150
100 MENY Kalundborg ApS 150

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures