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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Rental and leasing activities

Company Number of employees
Ejner Hessel A/S 1 000
Illum A/S 350
Loxam A/S 350
4 Scania Danmark A/S 350
5 Europcar Mobility Group Denmark A/S 350
6 L'Easy A/S 350
7 Tholstrup Cheese A/S 350
8 Dansk Frysetørring A/S 150
9 MBJ Cool ApS 150
10 Danforel A/S 150
11 Leaseplan Danmark A/S 150
12 Peter Beier Chokolade A/S 150
13 Avis Budget Denmark A/S 150
14 ALD Automotive A/S 150
15 Bent Pedersen A/S 150
16 Tip Trailer Services Denmark ApS 150
17 Mobility Service Danmark A/S 150
18 Admiral Strand Feriehuse ApS 150
19 Riwal Danmark A/S 150
20 Shared Mobility A/S 75
21 A. L. Del Pin A/S 75
22 Helge Frandsen Stilladser A/S 75
23 Logisnext Denmark A/S 75
24 AL Finans A/S 75
25 Benny Djarlo Automobiler A/S 75
27 E. Trasborg A/S 75
28 JM Trykluft A/S 75
29 First Rent A Car Denmark A/S 75
30 Peri A/S 75
31 Zeppelin Rental Danmark A/S 75
32 Eiva A/S 75
33 Bojsen Biler A/S 75
34 ABC Pavilloner A/S 75
35 Brians Renovation ApS 75
36 Brdr. K. Hansen A/S 75
37 Henrik Skov Christensen A/S 75
38 Platform.As A/S 75
39 Renta A/S 75
40 Fleggaard Leasing A/S 75
41 Danforel Udstyr A/S 75
42 Taffelbay ApS 75
43 Nordjysk Lift ApS 75
44 Av Center Rental A/S 35
45 A/S 35
46 Eden Springs Denmark A/S 35
47 Desmi Ro-Clean A/S 35
48 Ørsted Telte A/S 35
49 Bøje & Brøchner A/S 35
50 Nordjysk Transport Service A/S 35
51 Bera Stillads- og Liftudlejning A/S 35
52 Paschal-Danmark A/S 35
53 Anderup El A/S 35
54 Svend Aage Christiansen, Jerslev A/S 35
55 Samtank A/S 35
56 BG Stone A/S 35
57 Krone Kapital A/S 35
59 AV Center Odense A/S 35
60 John Wiley & Sons A/S 35
61 Lastbilcentralen A/S 35
62 Dalsgaard Pavilloner A/S 35
63 Mogens Hansen Entreprenørfirma Taastrup ApS 35
64 Filmgear ApS 35
65 Caripo Biler A/S 35
66 Gunner Due Biler Roskilde A/S 35
67 H.C.N Udlejning ApS 35
68 J. Jensen Materieludlejning A/S 35
69 AV CENTER Aarhus ApS 35
70 RBB af 12.11.2018 HOLDING ApS 35
71 DK-Lightning A/S 35
72 Agilease A/S 35
73 HB Holding Aulum ApS 35
74 Torben Knudsen Holding ApS 35
75 AV Center Aalborg ApS 35
76 Storyline Studios CPH A/S 35
77 Allente Danmark A/S 35
78 Grenkeleasing ApS 35
79 Doka Denmark ApS 35
80 Via Biler Udlejning A/S 35
81 Service 2000 A/S 35
82 Sorø Maskinudlejning ApS 35
83 Gislinge A/S 35
84 Titan Containers A/S 35
85 Showtech ApS 35
86 Dbu A/S 35
87 Superevent ApS 35
88 Kran Elektro A/S 35
89 Freetrailer Danmark ApS 35
90 Autoudlejning ApS 35
91 Lightcom A/S 35
92 The Lab A/S 35
93 Leasing.DK A/S 35
94 Arval A/S 35
95 Pv-Udlejning A/S 35
96 Proshop Europe A/S 35
97 Heibing Stilladser ApS 35
98 A. Holmriis Holding A/S 35
99 Hejs.DK A/S 35
100 Ejendomsselskabet Vævervej 33-35 A/S 35

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures