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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Publishing activities

Company Number of employees
Jfm P/S 1 000
Sjællandske Medier A/S 1 000
JP/Politikens Hus A/S 1 000
4 Det Nordjyske Mediehus A/S 1 000
5 Mediehusene Midtjylland A/S 350
6 Microsoft Danmark ApS 350
7 Dansk Bibliotekscenter A/S 350
8 Bonnier Publications A/S 350
9 Lolland-Falsters Folketidende A/S 350
10 Aller Media A/S 350
11 Dagbladet Børsen A/S 350
12 Milestone Systems A/S 350
13 Bornholms Tidende, Aktieselskabet 350
14 Berlingske Media A/S 350
15 Trustpilot A/S 350
16 Tradeshift ApS 150
17 dao Distribution Øst A/S 150
18 IO Interactive A/S 150
19 Herning Folkeblad (Vestjylland) A/S 150
20 Karnov Group Denmark A/S 150
21 Krak A/S 150
22 Information, A/S 150
23 J.H. Schultz Information A/S 150
24 Kristeligt Dagblad, Aktieselskabet 150
25 Jyllands-Postens Lokalaviser A/S 150
26 Trifork A/S 150
27 Group Online A/S 150
28 Configit A/S 150
29 Sitecore Corporation A/S 150
30 Landbrugsmedierne P/S 75
31 Lessor A/S 75
32 Vitec MV A/S 75
33 Vitec Aloc A/S 75
34 New Era Publications International ApS 75
35 Dafolo A/S 75
36 Helsingør Dagblad A/S 75
37 Novax A/S 75
38 Teknologiens Mediehus A/S 75
39 Strandbygaard A/S 75
40 DLI - Dansk Lægemiddel Information A/S 75
41 IST ApS 75
42 Pentia A/S 75
43 EFKT Danmark A/S 75
44 Trifork Public A/S 75
45 Duka A/S 75
47 Watch Medier A/S 75
48 Planday A/S 75
49 Silicon Laboratories Denmark ApS 75
50 Shape Games A/S 75
51 SYBO ApS 75
52 Tactile R&D ApS 75
53 Vice ApS 75
54 Mekoprint Seritronic A/S 75
55 Learningbank A/S 35
56 Provinsforlaget Miljøkalendere A/S 35
57 Wolters Kluwer Danmark A/S 35
58 Otm Avistryk A/S 35
59 Praxis-Fonden 35
60 Odsgard Reklame/Marketing A/S 35
61 CapaSystems A/S 35
62 European Lifecare Group A/S 35
63 Targit A/S 35
64 Mediehuset Wiegaarden ApS 35
65 Ankiro ApS 35
66 Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag A/S 35
67 FBG Medier A/S 35
68 Timextender A/S 35
69 Mercell Danmark A/S 35
70 People'sPress A/S 35
71 Timelog A/S 35
72 Timeplan A/S 35
73 Dagens Medicin A/S 35
74 Logos Payment Solutions A/S 35
75 Kiloo A/S 35
76 Calwin A/S 35
77 Mediaplanet ApS 35
78 Cego A/S 35
79 Sigma Estimates A/S 35
80 Sky-Watch A/S 35
81 Go-Card ApS 35
82 Tamigo ApS 35
84 Getinge Cetrea A/S 35
85 Fleet Complete Danmark ApS 35
86 Soundvenue Group A/S 35
87 Playdead ApS 35
88 Continia Software A/S 35
89 G.E.C. Gads Forlag A/S 35
90 Aarhus Universitetsforlag A/S 35
91 Funday Games ApS 35
92 Itslearning A/S 35
93 Omnidocs A/S 35
94 Zetland ApS 35
95 Trap Danmark A/S 35
96 LetsBuild Denmark ApS 35
97 Chili Security Denmark ApS 35
98 SumUp MG ApS 35
99 Dayforce A/S 35
100 Boyum IT Solutions A/S 35

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures