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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Printing and reproduction of recorded media

Company Number of employees
Jfm P/S 1 000
Sjællandske Medier A/S 1 000
Post Danmark A/S 1 000
4 Elopak Denmark A/S 350
5 Scandinavian Print Group A/S 350
6 Mastiff A/S 150
7 CCL Label A/S 150
8 Stibo Complete A/S 150
9 Herning Folkeblad (Vestjylland) A/S 150
10 Aller Tryk A/S 150
11 Jyllands-Postens Lokalaviser A/S 150
12 Nørhaven Book A/S 75
13 Stibo DX A/S 75
14 Pdc A/S 75
15 Mm Eson Pac Denmark A/S 75
16 Ole Nonbye A/S 75
17 Vester Kopi A/S 75
18 SL fonden 75
19 Clausen Grafisk ApS 75
20 Postnord Strålfors A/S 75
21 Johnsen Graphic Solutions A/S 75
22 HL-Repro A/S 75
23 Kailow Graphic A/S 75
24 Strandbygaard A/S 75
25 NS System A/S 75
27 Decotech A/S 35
28 Melsen Tech A/S 35
29 Scanket A/S 35
30 Munkebjergvej 132 A/S 35
31 Grafiket a/s 35
32 Setiket A/S 35
33 Labelco A/S 35
34 Tryk Team Svendborg A/S 35
35 Narayanananda Universal Yoga Trust Danmark 35
36 BibMedia A/S 35
37 C. Jul. Uttenthal, A/S 35
38 Otm Avistryk A/S 35
39 Skive Offset ApS 35
40 KLS PurePrint A/S 35
41 Skabertrang A/S 35
42 Erritsø Tryk A/S 35
43 Avis-Tryk A/S 35
44 Green Graphic ApS 35
45 Reproflex Scandinavia A/S 35
46 PE Offset A/S 35
47 Laursen Grafisk A/S 35
48 Marketsquare A/S 35
49 Trykkompagniet A/S 35
50 Ecco Print A/S 35
51 Jørgen Windelev A/S 35
52 CS Grafisk A/S 35
53 Interket A/S 35
54 Texet Denmark A/S 35
55 Buchs A/S 35
56 People'sPress A/S 35
57 PR Offset ApS 35
58 Grafisk ID A/S 35
59 Johansen Grafisk A/S 35
60 Dantryk A/S 35
61 Vestjysk Rotation A/S 35
62 Burda Nordic A/S 35
63 Redhill Design & Print A/S 35
64 From Grafisk A/S 35
65 Cool Gray A/S 35
66 Serigrafen ApS 15
67 Team Production Kolding K/S 15
68 Brix Grafisk Kommunikation ApS 15
69 DH Media A/S 15
70 Ide Skilte Horsens ApS 15
71 Print Division A/S 15
72 Paritas Digital Service A/S 15
73 Fjerritslev Tryk A/S 15
74 Alko Print A/S 15
75 Visuel Print A/S 15
76 Inprint A/S 15
77 Digitalhuset Vejle ApS 15
78 Prinfo Trekroner A/S 15
79 Mols Print Kompagni A/S 15
80 Samsø Posten ApS 15
81 Ikonprint A/S 15
82 Solo Grafisk A/S 15
83 Vahle+Nikolaisen ApS 15
85 Sub Color ApS 15
86 Digigraf Tryk & Reklame ApS 15
87 Werks Grafiske Hus A/S 15
88 Dreyer Kliché ApS 15
89 Rabøl A/S 15
90 All Graphic A/S 15
91 Hellbrandt A/S 15
92 Deslers Grafisk Hus ApS 15
93 Nemprint A/S 15
94 Eurographic Group A/S 15
95 Kellmann Reklame A/S 15
96 Primoreels A/S 15
97 Orbit Group ApS 15
98 Christensen Grafisk ApS 15
99 Fanø Bogtrykkeri ApS 15
100 Reklameland A/S 15

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures