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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Manufacture of textiles

Company Number of employees
Ege Carpets A/S 350
Struers ApS 350
Fritz Hansen A/S 150
4 Bramming Plast-Industri A/S 150
5 Hengst Air Filtration Denmark A/S 150
6 Luxaflex Scandinavia A/S 150
7 Cosmos Trawl A/S 75
8 W.H. Produkter A/S 75
9 Carpenter ApS 75
10 Gabriel A/S 75
11 Alux A/S 75
12 Ellepot A/S 75
13 Fletco Carpets A/S 75
14 Dansk Wilton A/S 75
15 Hammer Tæpper A/S 75
16 Dykon A/S 75
17 Deco Group A/S 75
18 Isabella A/S 75
19 Roblon A/S 75
20 NorviGroup Denmark A/S 75
21 Tetra Pak Inventing A/S 75
22 Elvstrøm Sails A/S 75
23 Dynamica Ropes ApS 35
24 Forbo Siegling Danmark A/S 35
25 Blendex A/S 35
26 Camfil A/S 35
27 KonfAir A/S 35
28 KE Fibertec A/S 35
29 Frydendahl Im- & Export A/S 35
30 Lene Bjerre Design A/S 35
31 Sunds Textiles A/S 35
32 Foamtex ApS 35
33 Carl J. Permin A/S 35
34 Bentzon Carpets ApS 35
35 Søms A/S 35
36 Danfloor A/S 35
37 Stila A/S 35
38 X-Company ApS 35
39 Egersund Danmark ApS 35
40 Elas A/S 35
41 Sontex DK ApS 35
42 Nordsøtrawl A/S 35
43 Thygesen & Birk Fabrics A/S 35
44 Fossflakes A/S 35
45 Cold A/S 15
46 Nortex A/S 15
47 Climatic A/S 15
48 Fred B. Balsløw A/S 15
49 Danspin A/S 15
50 North Sails A/S 15
51 Scanfiber Composites A/S 15
52 Studsgaard A/S 15
53 Jyllands Markisefabrik A/S 15
54 Markon A/S 15
55 Bolig-Art ApS 15
56 PANA ApS 15
57 Strandby Net A/S 15
58 Cencio A/S 15
59 Camee Broderi A/S 15
60 Fraster ApS 15
61 Protac A/S 15
62 H. Hjelholts Uldspinderi ApS 15
63 Profil Markiser A/S 15
65 Herning Special Væveri A/S 15
66 Jp Textiltryk ApS 15
67 Sackit ApS 15
69 L.P. Hansens Eftf. Textilfarveri A/S 7
70 Scanhtp A/S 7
71 Trykfabrikken ApS 7
72 SEA Ranch ApS 7
73 AB Broderi ApS 7
74 Sejs Dyner ApS 7
75 Comet Trawl ApS 7
76 Fyns Flagstang Industri A/S 7
77 Lite Flite ApS 7
78 Texpress ApS 7
79 KE Fibertec Væveri A/S 7
80 Aalborg Flagfabrik ApS 7
81 Skive Garn ApS 7
82 Andreas Hansen Denmark A/S 7
83 LSNET ApS 7
84 Nordfjeld A/S 7
85 Mogens Clausen & Co. ApS 7
86 Asli A/S 7
87 Vision Broderi ApS 7
88 Schultz Sejlmageri ApS 7
89 Herning Fabrics A/S 7
90 Gabriel Holding A/S 7
91 Nilorn Denmark A/S 7
92 Da'Core A/S 7
93 Stabell Presenninger ApS 7
94 Danish Art Weaving A/S 7

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures