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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Manufacture of food products

Company Number of employees
Aktieselskabet Th. Wessel & Vett. Magasin Du Nord 1 000
International N&H Denmark ApS 1 000
Lagkagehuset A/S 1 000
4 Danish Crown A/S 1 000
5 Lakrids By Johan Bülow A/S 350
6 Fertin Pharma A/S 350
7 Palsgaard A/S 350
8 Sæby Fiske-Industri, Aktieselskabet 350
9 Royal Greenland Seafood A/S 350
10 Danish Agro A.M.B.A. 350
11 Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Danmark A/S 350
12 Rynkeby Foods A/S 350
13 AAK Denmark A/S 350
14 Stryhns Gruppen A/S 350
15 Kohberg Bakery Group A/S 350
16 Danpo A/S 350
17 Orkla Foods Danmark A/S 350
18 Toms Gruppen A/S 350
19 Lantmännen Schulstad A/S 350
20 Norlax A/S 350
21 CO-RO Food A/S 350
22 CP Kelco ApS 350
23 Thise Mejeri Amba 350
24 Hørkram Foodservice A/S 350
25 Mammen Mejerierne A/S 350
26 Bisca A/S 350
27 Kelsen Group A/S 350
28 ROSE Poultry A/S 350
29 I.M. Frellsen K/S 350
30 DSB Service & Retail A/S 350
31 Tican Fresh Meat A/S 350
32 Orkla Care A/S 350
33 Haribo Produktion A/S 350
34 Scandic Food A/S 350
35 Summerbird A/S 350
36 FF Skagen A/S 350
37 Nordic Sugar A/S 350
38 DAT-Schaub A/S 350
39 Scandic Pelagic A/S 350
40 Vivaldi Gruppen A/S 350
41 Emmerys ApS 350
42 Lantmännen Unibake Denmark A/S 350
43 Løgismose A/S 350
44 Farumhus A/S 350
45 MENY Kalundborg ApS 150
46 Viminco A/S 150
47 Pharma Nord ApS 150
48 Danforel A/S 150
49 OK Snacks A/S 150
50 Valsemøllen af 1899 A/S 150
51 Foodpeople A/S 150
52 Odense Marcipan A/S 150
53 Atria Danmark A/S 150
54 Espersen A/S, A 150
55 Mejerigaarden A/S 150
56 Polar Salmon Hjerting Laks A/S 150
57 AB Catering Aalborg A/S 150
58 BKI Foods A/S 150
59 Nørager Mejeri A/S 150
60 GoodLife Foods Nyborg A/S 150
61 Döhler Denmark A/S 150
62 Cbp A/S 150
63 Flensted Snitgrønt A/S 150
64 FLENSTED Food Group A/S 150
65 Hornsyld Købmandsgaard A/S 150
66 KMC, Kartoffelmelcentralen, AMBA 150
67 Vilofoss A/S 150
68 BC - Catering Grossisten A/S 150
69 Lactosan A/S 150
70 Musholm A/S 150
71 Dan Cake A/S 150
72 Easyfood A/S 150
73 Naturmælk Amba 150
74 Vestjyllands Andel Amba 150
75 United Petfood Denmark A/S 150
77 Dragsbæk A/S 150
78 Robert Damkjær A/S 150
79 Reinh. van Hauen ApS 150
80 Cremo Ingredients A/S 150
81 The Whole Company Food A/S 150
82 Carletti A/S 150
83 Tenax Sild A/S 150
84 Uhrenholt A/S 150
85 Danepork A/S 150
86 Bodenhoffs Bageri ApS 150
87 Polar Seafood Denmark A/S 150
88 De Danske Gærfabrikker A/S 150
89 Cloetta Danmark ApS 150
90 TripleNine Thyborøn A/S 150
91 Sv. Michelsen Chokolade A/S 150
92 Prime Ocean A/S 150
93 Midsona Danmark A/S 150
94 Himmerlandskød A/S 150
95 Solina Denmark A/S 150
96 HMFI22 ApS 150
98 Nordens Brød ApS 75
99 Guldbergsgade ApS 75
100 Frisksnit.DK ApS 75

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures