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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Food and beverage service activities

Company Number of employees
Normal A/S 1 000
Serwiz Plus A/S 1 000
Forenede Service A/S 1 000
4 Coor Service Management A/S 1 000
5 ISS Facility Services A/S 1 000
6 Compass Group Danmark A/S 1 000
7 SATS Danmark A/S 1 000
8 King Food Danmark A/S 350
9 Catering Danmark ApS 350
10 Louisiana - Fonden 350
11 Tivoli Friheden A/S 350
12 Jensen's Bøfhus A/S 350
13 Gate Gourmet Denmark ApS 350
14 Bone's Restauranter A/S 350
15 CBJ-Holding A/S 350
16 Nordic Service Partners A/S 350
17 J.A.A.K. ApS 350
18 Espresso House Denmark A/S 350
19 Aarstiderne A/S 350
20 Cheval Blanc Kantiner A/S 350
21 Meyers Contract Catering A/S 350
22 FC Nordsjælland A/S 350
23 Kvadrat A/S 350
24 Molslinjen A/S 350
25 Dinesen - Sjælsø Holding ApS 350
26 Sticks 'n' Sushi A/S 350
27 Scandlines Catering ApS 350
30 Danske Koncept Restauranter A/S 350
31 Joe & The Juice A/S 350
32 Vivaldi Gruppen A/S 350
33 Toma Facility Danmark A/S 350
34 Serwiz A/S 350
35 Ahn & Dehler Dining A/S 350
36 Tpl ApS 350
37 Old Irish Pub Denmark A/S 350
38 JJ Ballerup ApS 350
39 MR Restaurants ApS 150
40 Stevanato Group Denmark A/S 150
41 Hotel Koldingfjord A/S 150
42 Isken ApS 150
43 J. Nørgaard Cafe A/S 150
44 Copenhagen Admiral Hotel A/S 150
45 Aage Damgaard ApS 150
46 Jyllinge Brugsforening 150
47 Asnæs og Omegns Brugsforening 150
48 BC Catering Kolding A/S 150
49 Cafe Norden ApS 150
50 Wallmans A/S 150
51 Experimentarium 150
52 Arenfeldt ApS 150
53 Jespers Torvekøkken ApS 150
54 Smag & Smil A/S 150
55 Ceca Foods Hillerød ApS 150
56 KIIN ApS 150
57 Wok Shop ApS 150
58 Turbinehallen ApS 150
59 Dorsoe Svendborg ApS 150
60 Wulff & Konstali ApS 150
61 Aramark Denmark ApS 150
62 Cocks & Cows ApS 150
63 Leos Legeland Danmark A/S 150
65 Froggy ApS 75
66 Mash Steak ApS 75
67 Porta A Jour ApS 75
69 Dansebar & Einstein Herning ApS 75
70 Restaurationsselskabet af 26. Januar 2012 K/S 75
71 We Love Burgers A/S 75
72 Original Coffee ApS 75
73 Tkc Mad A/S 75
74 Arenfeldt - Jyllingevej ApS 75
75 Arenfeldt - Brøndby ApS 75
76 LKG Night ApS 75
77 CMS Facility ApS 75
78 Selina Herning II ApS 75
79 Aktieselskabet Bremen 75
80 Bistro Royal ApS 75
81 Grød ApS 75
82 Halsnæs Bryghus A/S 75
83 Lusso ApS 75
84 Bon Coca P/S 75
85 Hallernes Smørrebrød ApS 75
86 Lille Kongensgade ApS 75
87 Anettes Sandwich ApS 75
88 Inside & Upstairs ApS 75
89 Noho ApS 75
90 Sushiart ApS 75
91 Cafe Mums ApS 75
92 Ceca Foods Frederiksværk ApS 75
93 Guldbergsgade ApS 75
94 Bar 3 Århus ApS 75
95 Ceca Foods Slagelse ApS 75
96 Ceca Foods Helsingør ApS 75
97 PS Bar & Grill City A/S 75
98 Ceca Foods Frederikssund ApS 75
99 CAJU Viborg I ApS 75
100 Centralværkstedet A/S 75

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures