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The largest employers in total in Denmark

in the industry Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities

Company Number of employees
Hofor A/S 1 000
Seapay Dis ApS 350
Kramp Danmark A/S 350
4 Accenture A/S 350
5 Rambøll Management Consulting A/S 350
6 Dovista A/S 350
7 Implement Consulting Group 350
8 Løgismose A/S 350
9 Norlys Infrastruktur A/S 350
10 Gts Nordic ApS 350
11 Din Forsyning A/S 350
12 Novafos A/S 350
13 KPMG P/S 350
14 Kvist & Jensen Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab 150
15 Micro Matic A/S 150
16 Sund & Bælt Holding A/S 150
17 PA Consulting Group A/S 150
18 Valcon A/S 150
19 Frederiksberg Forsynings Serviceselskab A/S 150
20 Advice. Ledelses- & Kommunikationsrådgivning A/S 150
21 Trifork A/S 150
22 Alexandra Instituttet A/S 150
23 Groupm Denmark A/S 150
24 Generaxion A/S 150
25 Fors A/S 150
26 Semler Gruppen A/S 150
27 HCL Technologies Denmark ApS 150
28 Forsyning Helsingør Service A/S 150
29 Arwos Service A/S 150
30 Hillerød Service A/S 150
31 SONFOR Service A/S 150
32 Mckinsey & Company Denmark P/S 150
33 Haarslev Group A/S 75
34 Nyborg Forsyning og Service A/S 75
35 F. Schur & Co. A/S 75
36 Lantmännen Unibake Holding A/S 75
37 Bygma Gruppen A/S 75
38 Ennova A/S 75
39 Energi Fyn Holding A/S 75
40 NJ Holding Nordjylland A/S 75
41 Svitzer A/S 75
42 FFV Energi & Miljø A/S 75
43 Lolland Forsyning A/S 75
44 Operate A/S 75
45 Dun & Bradstreet Denmark A/S 75
46 Copenhagen Economics A/S 75
47 Knud E. Hansen A/S, Naval Architects 75
48 Compass Human Resources Group A/S 75
49 A-Ejd1 ApS 75
50 Kerteminde Forsyning A/S 75
51 Tønder Service A/S 75
52 Kalundborg Forsyning A/S 75
53 Accountor Denmark A/S 75
54 Fredensborg Forsyning A/S 75
55 Kaastrup & Andersen A/S 75
56 Projectum ApS 75
57 Odense Maritime Technology A/S 75
58 Svendborg Forsyningsservice A/S 75
59 Langeland Forsyning A/S 75
60 Obton A/S 75
61 Xellia Group ApS 75
62 Marselisborg-Center For Udvikling, Kompetence & Viden A/S 75
63 Healthgroup A/S 75
64 Provas-Haderslev Forsyningsservice A/S 75
65 Assens Service A/S 75
66 Guldborgsund Forsyning A/S 75
67 Halsnæs Forsyning A/S 75
68 JUC Service ApS 75
69 Basico P/S 75
71 Type2Dialog ApS 35
72 Lead Agency A/S 35
73 Swisspearl Danmark Holding A/S 35
74 Favrskov Forsyning A/S 35
75 Billund Vand Og Energi A/S 35
76 Alimak Group Denmark A/S 35
77 Middelfart Service A/S 35
78 Jobinplace A/S 35
79 Invixo Consulting Group A/S 35
80 Fonden Democracy x 35
81 Dingæld ApS 35
82 Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants ApS 35
83 Insero A/S 35
84 Renergy ApS 35
85 Voluntas Advisory ApS 35
86 Uniwise ApS 35
87 Web2media ApS 35
88 Vaekst ApS 35
89 Applied Management Group ApS 35
90 Selskabet af 10/1-2008 Holding ApS 35
91 Midgaard Event ApS 35
92 Aerobicgården ApS 35
93 Lead - Enter Next Level A/S 35
95 Sermo ApS 35
96 Nordic Transport Group A/S 35
97 Reconor A/S 35
98 Hildebrandt & Brandi P/S 35

Comment to the top list

  • Total number of employees refers to the average number of employees
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures