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in the industry Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
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Industry top lists in Denmark
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The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Pure Gym Denmark A/S |
1 195 178 |
Legoland ApS |
860 232 |
SATS Danmark A/S |
347 195 |
4 | Lalandia A/S |
222 194 |
5 | Fårup Sommerland A/S |
173 458 |
6 | Viborg F.F. Prof. Fodbold A/S |
86 754 |
7 | Aalborg Boldspilklub A/S |
81 832 |
8 | Silkeborg IF A/S | 71 388 |
9 | Den Erhvervsdrivende Fond Kulturcenter-Limfjord | 57 252 |
10 | Fodboldalliancen AC Horsens A/S |
42 679 |
11 | Fonden Universe Science Park |
28 574 |
12 | Skjern Håndbold A/S |
25 577 |
13 | Ironman Denmark ApS |
19 062 |
14 | Simon's Golf A/S |
17 209 |
15 | Fyens Væddeløbsbane A/S |
17 144 |
16 | Ribe-Esbjerg HH A/S |
16 840 |
17 | KIF Håndbold Elite A/S |
15 237 |
18 | Arla Fonden | 12 510 | ||||
19 | Fyrtårn Tommerup Fonden | 11 704 |
20 | Hobro Idrætscenter |
10 377 |
21 | Fonden Haarby-Hallerne |
7 700 |
22 | Arena Assens Fonden |
7 616 |
23 | Holbæk Marina. Dragerup Vig |
5 211 |
24 | Assens Marina A.M.B.A. | 4 934 |
25 | Ringkøbing Håndbold A/S |
4 619 |
26 | Tm Tønder Håndbold Elite A/S |
4 236 |
27 | Himmelbjerg Golf A/S | 1 459 |