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in the industry Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
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in the industry Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
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Industry top lists in Denmark
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Search for companies in our Nordic database. Here you will find information on about 500,000 companies.
The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Semco Maritime A/S |
3 290 467 |
Selected Car Leasing A/S | 2 156 351 |
Fayard A/S |
1 108 456 |
4 | Orskov Yard A/S |
781 301 |
5 | Apm Terminals - Aarhus A/S |
776 614 |
6 | SH Group A/S |
655 130 |
7 | Alfa Laval Nordic A/S |
562 873 |
8 | VMS Group A/S |
537 813 | ||
9 | Skyways Technics A/S | 510 791 | ||||
10 | Veltec Industrial Services A/S |
493 001 |
11 | BWT Danmark A/S |
461 376 |
12 | Cabinplant A/S |
406 427 |
13 | Union Engineering A/S |
353 852 |
14 | Eltronic A/S |
351 078 |
15 | Grønbech & Sønner A/S |
349 091 |
16 | Tresu A/S |
345 869 |
17 | DPA Microphones A/S |
324 118 | ||
18 | Hitachi Rail GTS Denmark A/S |
243 137 |
19 | Holmskov Rustfri A/S | 162 874 |
20 | Scanomat A/S |
161 453 |
21 | Hvide Sande Skibs- og Baadebyggeri, A/S |
111 670 |
22 | El-Firmaet Olesen & Jensen A/S |
108 664 |
23 | Pj Circular Engineering A/S |
65 780 | ||
24 | Macgregor Denmark A/S |
18 387 |
25 | Tempo Marine Service ApS | 6 433 |