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Search for companies in our Nordic database. Here you will find information on about 500,000 companies.
The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Other professional, scientific and technical activities
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Muuto A/S |
949 803 |
Landbrug & Fødevarer F.M.B.A. |
912 000 |
Ferm Living ApS |
335 510 |
4 | Languagewire A/S |
251 975 | ||
5 | Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice A/S |
225 704 |
6 | FIH Partners A/S |
175 361 |
7 | Advizer K/S |
163 079 |
8 | Bureau Veritas Denmark A/S |
130 672 |
9 | Plougmann Vingtoft A/S |
105 174 |
10 | AWA Denmark A/S |
103 007 |
11 | Inspicos P/S | 67 917 |
12 | Patriotisk Selskab |
61 742 |
13 | Steen & Strøm Danmark A/S |
61 271 |
14 | Robert/Boisen & Likeminded A/S |
52 367 |
15 | CPHI-Holding A/S | 34 925 |
16 | Hortiadvice Scandinavia A/S | 33 456 |
17 | Dancert A/S | 21 229 |
18 | Connector A/S |
20 969 |
19 | Nordisk Fond For Miljø og Udvikling |
16 201 |
20 | Nre Group A/S | 12 478 |
21 | BORNGROS MARKETING ApS | 10 458 |
22 | Diction ApS |
10 346 |
23 | Bgraphic ApS |
6 370 |
24 | Kam & Co. Production ApS |
1 994 |
25 | KCPH Group A/S |
15 |