More top lists in Denmark
in the industry Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
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in the industry Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
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Industry top lists in Denmark
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The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Unomedical A/S |
2 646 661 |
National Oilwell Varco Denmark I/S |
1 520 196 |
Logstor Denmark Holding ApS | 1 217 521 |
4 | West Pharmaceutical Services Danmark A/S |
1 078 983 |
5 | Nordisk Wavin A/S |
909 189 |
6 | Alstom Transport Danmark A/S |
900 005 | ||
7 | Plast 1 A/S | 842 269 |
8 | Amcor Flexibles Denmark ApS |
746 441 |
9 | Jørgen Kruuse A/S |
620 764 |
10 | Berry Superfos Randers a/s |
614 359 |
11 | Nunc A/S |
587 417 |
12 | Ammeraal Beltech Modular A/S |
569 583 |
13 | Trioworld Nyborg A/S |
523 758 |
14 | SP Moulding A/S |
522 272 |
15 | Thyregod Bygningsindustri A/S |
462 353 | ||
16 | Vink Plast ApS |
441 588 |
17 | BEWI Denmark A/S |
414 227 |
18 | Emtelle Scandinavia A/S |
394 287 |
19 | adapa flexibles Denmark Slagelse A/S |
390 001 |
20 | Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Helsingor A/S |
355 891 |
21 | Pressalit A/S |
352 729 |
22 | Sundolitt A/S |
349 346 |
23 | Melitek A/S |
338 850 | ||
24 | AVK GUMMI A/S |
337 298 | ||
25 | Ulfoss Plastic A/S |
153 358 |
26 | Tetra Pak Inventing A/S |
140 573 |
27 | Modulex A/S |
74 805 |