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in the industry Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
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Industry top lists in Denmark
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The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Chr. Hansen A/S |
5 902 769 |
International N&H Denmark ApS |
4 293 000 |
Cheminova A/S |
3 666 541 |
4 | Sandoz A/S |
2 291 832 |
5 | CP Kelco ApS |
2 269 971 |
6 | BHJ A/S |
1 921 845 |
7 | BASF A/S |
1 717 029 |
8 | Brenntag Nordic A/S |
1 272 994 |
9 | Oterra A/S |
1 099 083 |
10 | Flügger Denmark A/S |
1 082 827 |
11 | Ege Carpets A/S |
940 859 |
12 | Nopa Nordic A/S |
816 769 |
13 | AGA A/S |
798 179 |
14 | McBride Denmark A/S |
699 704 |
15 | CP Kelco Japan ApS |
686 882 |
16 | Daka Denmark A/S |
678 401 |
17 | Dana Lim A/S |
661 510 |
18 | Indorama Ventures Hygiene Denmark A/S |
652 455 |
19 | Air Liquide Danmark A/S |
600 062 |
20 | Teknos A/S |
573 539 |
21 | Kunststof-Kemi Skandinavia A/S |
558 438 |
22 | Persano Group A/S |
374 750 |
23 | AVK GUMMI A/S |
337 298 | ||
24 | Harman Professional Denmark ApS |
322 265 |
25 | Dan Gødning A/S |
317 519 |
26 | Syntese A/S |
297 923 |
27 | Ardex Skandinavia A/S |
260 521 |
28 | Caldic Ingredients Denmark A/S |
184 039 |
29 | Nordalim A/S |
166 210 |
30 | Lgc Biosearch Technologies A/S |
118 026 |
31 | Dankemi A/S |
74 213 | ||
32 | Photocat A/S |
15 041 |