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The largest companies by turnover in Denmark
in the industry Education
Company | Turnover (×1000) DKK | |||||
Sweco Danmark A/S |
1 743 859 |
Fonden DIS - Danish Institute For Study Abroad |
577 549 |
FDM f.m.b.a. |
340 082 | ||
4 | Ucplus A/S |
191 094 | ||
5 | Forsikringsakademiet A/S |
160 296 |
6 | Pharmakon a/s |
140 527 |
7 | Mannaz A/S |
139 044 |
8 | Komponent - Kommunernes udviklingscenter f.m.b.a |
133 175 |
9 | Danmarks Akvarium |
114 700 |
10 | Fonden Studieskolen Business |
104 816 |
11 | Specialisterne ApS |
34 545 |
12 | Skolen Væverhuset A/S |
15 806 |
13 | Fonden Projektskolen Grennessminde I Tåstrup |
15 375 |
14 | Den socialøkonomiske virksomhed Fonden Kilden |
10 180 |
15 | Fonden Eksistensen | 9 146 |
16 | Fonden Station Next |
8 986 |
17 | Fonden Gotvedinstituttet |
4 932 |
18 | Mindjuice ApS | 3 996 | ||||
19 | Vjcdans ApS | 2 170 |
20 | Rudolf Steiner Børnehaveseminariet |
1 937 |
21 | Hips Dance Studios ApS |
1 180 |