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The most profitable companies in Denmark

in the industry Scientific research and development

Company Net profit (×1000) DKK
Schneider Electric IT Denmark ApS 798 245 ChangeValue
Danfoss Power Solutions ApS 493 517 ChangeValue
Universal Robots A/S 185 037 ChangeValue
4 Vitrolife A/S 132 152 ChangeValue
5 3shape Trios A/S 112 078 ChangeValue
6 Nbcd A/S 92 160 ChangeValue
7 Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S 86 235 ChangeValue
8 MyDefence A/S 73 803 ChangeValue
9 Glycom A/S 66 398 ChangeValue
10 Qufora A/S 56 897 ChangeValue
11 Bioneer A/S 55 109 ChangeValue
12 BD Consult Electronic Engineering A/S 49 596 ChangeValue
13 Nordic Bioscience A/S 43 008 ChangeValue
14 Origio A/S 38 294 ChangeValue
15 Sophion Bioscience A/S 36 012 ChangeValue
16 B&O Play A/S 32 152 ChangeValue
17 Symphogen A/S 31 849 ChangeValue
18 Clauson-Kaas A/S, Niels 27 671 ChangeValue
19 Fracturecode Corporation ApS 23 421 ChangeValue
20 Scantox A/S 22 367 ChangeValue
21 MINERVA IMAGING ApS 22 356 ChangeValue
22 Avlscenter Rønshauge A/S 22 171 ChangeValue
23 Fonden Lindoe Offshore Renewables Center 21 418 ChangeValue
24 Azanta Danmark A/S 20 928 ChangeValue
25 AIRLAID ApS 20 182 ChangeValue
26 Bgi Europe A/S 19 315 ChangeValue
27 Kaleido Technology ApS 8 161 ChangeValue
28 Qiagen Aarhus A/S 6 525 ChangeValue
29 Gubra A/S 6 259 ChangeValue
30 Vipergen ApS 6 031 ChangeValue
31 Upfront Chromatography A/S 5 969 ChangeValue
32 Aquasearch Ova ApS 5 218 ChangeValue
33 Fingerprint Cards ApS 4 750 ChangeValue
34 Klifo A/S 4 648 ChangeValue
35 M&J Airlaid Products A/S 4 574 ChangeValue
36 Wärtsilä Lyngsø Marine A/S 4 377 ChangeValue
37 Pelcon Materials & Testing ApS 4 359 ChangeValue
38 Alphalyse A/S 4 088 ChangeValue
39 Pharmaceutical Research Associates Denmark ApS 4 002 ChangeValue
40 Ricc A/S 3 871 ChangeValue
41 Spacecom Udvikling A/S 3 542 ChangeValue
42 Maico Nordic A/S 3 382 ChangeValue
43 Agrolab A/S 3 041 ChangeValue
44 Tystoftefonden 2 722 ChangeValue
45 Danish Aerospace Company A/S 2 714 ChangeValue
46 Capres A/S 2 595 ChangeValue
47 Micross Hi Rel Power Solutions ApS 2 468 ChangeValue
48 Fondet for forsøg med sukkerroedyrkning 2 204 ChangeValue
49 Radiocomp ApS 1 863 ChangeValue
50 Idexx Laboratories Danmark ApS 1 803 ChangeValue
51 Dansk Fundamental Metrologi A/S 1 761 ChangeValue
52 Syneos Health Denmark ApS 1 668 ChangeValue
53 Fom Technologies A/S 1 642 ChangeValue
54 Ampliqon A/S 1 456 ChangeValue
55 GoerTek Europe ApS 1 455 ChangeValue
56 NBR Nordic Beet Research Foundation (fond) 1 379 ChangeValue
57 Onmondo A/S 1 373 ChangeValue
58 Emagino ApS 1 344 ChangeValue
59 Analog Devices A/S 1 281 ChangeValue
60 Inmold A/S 855 ChangeValue
61 EKTOS Testing & Reliability Services A/S 849 ChangeValue
62 DB Lab A/S 767 ChangeValue
63 Conterra ApS 690 ChangeValue
64 Alkalon A/S 666 ChangeValue
65 Smith Innovation ApS 478 ChangeValue
66 Taconic Europe A/S 467 ChangeValue
67 Future Navigator ApS 410 ChangeValue
68 Peter Bang III ApS 364 ChangeValue
69 Dantrials ApS 335 ChangeValue
70 Nexus A/S 332 ChangeValue
71 Little Beacon ApS 227 ChangeValue
72 Aktieselskabet Af 20.November 2003 214 ChangeValue
73 Dacapo ApS 207 ChangeValue
74 Cochrane Informatics And Knowledge Management Department Denmark ApS 171 ChangeValue
75 Liab ApS 134 ChangeValue
76 Camlin Technologies Denmark A/S 133 ChangeValue
77 TRACER PHARMA ApS 126 ChangeValue
78 Winfinans ApS 122 ChangeValue
79 Damrc F.M.B.A. 91 ChangeValue
80 Kapacitet A/S 15 ChangeValue
81 Lattec I/S 2
82 Overseas Trading ApS - 3 ChangeValue
83 Biomediq A/S - 58 ChangeValue
84 Ribotask ApS - 97 ChangeValue
85 Fonden Sagnlandet Lejre, Historisk-Arkæologisk Forsknings- og Formidlingscenter - 121 ChangeValue
86 Acadia Pharmaceuticals A/S - 151 ChangeValue
87 RD-Support ApS - 255 ChangeValue
88 Vifa Denmark ApS - 466 ChangeValue
89 Frank Poulsen Engineering ApS - 839 ChangeValue
90 MedEngine DK ApS - 883 ChangeValue
91 Bioadvice A/S - 1 167 ChangeValue
92 Universal Foundation A/S - 1 217 ChangeValue
93 Metricorr ApS - 1 332 ChangeValue
94 NSF-scan og distribution ApS - 1 360 ChangeValue
95 Immudex ApS - 1 368 ChangeValue
96 Apator Miitors ApS - 2 105 ChangeValue
97 Zoetis Denmark ApS - 2 107 ChangeValue
98 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S - 2 676 ChangeValue
99 Sunshine Enterprise Holding A/S - 3 474 ChangeValue
100 Windar Photonics A/S - 5 210 ChangeValue

Comment to the top list

  • The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures