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The most profitable companies in Denmark

in the industry Manufacture of other transport equipment

Company Net profit (×1000) DKK
Viking Life-Saving Equipment A/S 356 575 ChangeValue
Terma Aerostructures A/S 96 025 ChangeValue
A. Winther A/S 25 482 ChangeValue
4 Nicon Industries A/S 22 957 ChangeValue
5 Swarco Technology ApS 21 546 ChangeValue
6 R82 A/S 20 114 ChangeValue
7 Danish Yachts A/S 15 977 ChangeValue
8 Christiania Bikes ApS 14 211 ChangeValue
9 VELA - Vermund Larsen A/S 13 014 ChangeValue
10 Faaborg Værft A/S 11 887 ChangeValue
11 Winncare Nordic ApS 9 632 ChangeValue
12 TCR Denmark ApS 8 384 ChangeValue
13 KS Gruppen A/S 7 751 ChangeValue
14 Quorning Boats ApS 5 869 ChangeValue
15 PF Mobility ApS 4 534 ChangeValue
16 DAO Aviation A/S 4 327 ChangeValue
17 Langhøj ApS 3 996 ChangeValue
18 Roltec El-Kørestole A/S 3 203 ChangeValue
19 Medema A/S 3 153 ChangeValue
20 Wolturnus A/S 2 379 ChangeValue
21 Molytex A/S 2 023 ChangeValue
22 TL Maskinfabrik ApS 2 005 ChangeValue
23 CCS Maintenance ApS 1 992 ChangeValue
24 Composhield A/S 1 865 ChangeValue
25 Ferro-Teknik ApS 1 729 ChangeValue
26 Larry Vs Harry ApS 1 624 ChangeValue
27 Projector A/S 1 585 ChangeValue
28 Blunico A/S 1 263 ChangeValue
29 Tornado Boats International ApS 1 112 ChangeValue
30 C. J. Skibs- og Bådebyggeri ApS 899 ChangeValue
31 Tuco Yacht Værft ApS 759 ChangeValue
32 Aabentoft, A/S 758 ChangeValue
33 Winner Optimist ApS 661 ChangeValue
34 Nordtek Skagen A/S 619 ChangeValue
35 Handy Transportvogne A/S 584 ChangeValue
36 Poca Glasfiber ApS 477 ChangeValue
37 Luffe Yachts ApS 420 ChangeValue
38 E. Vejvad Hansen. ApS 384 ChangeValue
39 Nordborg Bådebyggeri A/S 328 ChangeValue
40 Immo A/S 198 ChangeValue
41 Rødby Havn Bådeværft ApS 153 ChangeValue
42 Meyland-Smith A/S 51 ChangeValue
43 Benair A/S 41 ChangeValue
44 Nhs Industri ApS - 5 ChangeValue
45 Nielgard A/S - 110 ChangeValue
46 EL-Let ApS - 204 ChangeValue
47 Nordbjærg's ApS - 366 ChangeValue
48 Dansk Marine Center - Aalborg Yacht Værft A/S - 1 148 ChangeValue
49 True Boat Builders ApS - 1 164 ChangeValue
50 Odder Barnevognsfabrik A/S - 1 683 ChangeValue
51 Vestværftet ApS - 2 257 ChangeValue
52 BREDGAARD BOATS ApS - 2 803 ChangeValue
53 Dansk Marine Center A/S - 5 065 ChangeValue
54 CARSOE ApS - 6 547 ChangeValue
55 HF Christiansen A/S - 13 762 ChangeValue
56 Karstensens Skibsværft A/S - 20 820 ChangeValue

Comment to the top list

  • The result refers to profit/loss after financial items but before extraordinary items
  • Subsidiaries are excluded if the parent company is on the top list with consolidated figures