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Teaterhotellet i Malmö AB


All the companies on the website are presented with the ranking they have in total and in their industry. This ranking is presented at a national as well as a Nordic level, and it is based on a variety of financial ratios such as turnover, number of employees and net profit. Subsidiaries are included in this ranking.

Geographical ranking

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 48,223
- Number of employees 78,668

Industry ranking

Industry: 55 Accommodation

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 846
- Number of employees 1,225
- Total assets 1,211
- Total assets 1,952
- Turnover 872
- Turnover 1,358
- Solvency 941
- Solvency 1,237

Industry: 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Sweden Placement
the Nordic region Placement
- Number of employees 5,695
- Number of employees 10,388
- Total assets 10,278
- Total assets 18,439
- Turnover 8,938
- Turnover 13,655
- Solvency 10,224
- Solvency 14,045